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Steve Jobs Has Died


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Ok let's get some perspective. Steve jobs/Apple did not "change the world". He changed the way we listen to music and how graphic designers/media buffs treat media.., something x million starving people "The World" over don't give a shit about... Signed A. iPhone Addict

Edited by kaybs41282
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That is a common myth. The main readon macs don't get as many viruses is because there aren't very many aimed at macs. Windows probably (at a guess) has about 70-80% of the market. Where do you think hackers will spend their time targeting? They design and build them with windows in mind.

I have read loads of articles from experts saying that Mac viruses, trojans and stuff are coming, since macs are getting more popular it is becoming a bigger target. Which is probably why there is a growing number of Mac anti-virus software coming out.

Viruses are down to the user in my opinion. I have had windows security essentials on windows 7 now for ages and it has always instantly told me if something isn't right and sorted it out for me. So with some decent software and regular scans, you shouldn't get to many problems.

Edited by Mikee
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Congratulaations, you understand the joke.

Oh, sorry I thought it was Mac vs PC joke as that is an argument Mac fans always use.

For all I know, you could be one of these...


...with a dark sense of humour.

It's hard to tell over the internet.

Sorry again for ruining your joke.

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It seems to me that he was the only tech CEO who actually knew what people want. He was the person who most understood that humans are visual tactile creatures. We are predisposed to enjoy enjoy using things which feel good and look good. No, my iPhone can't do much that a cheaper HTC doesn't do, and yes, Exposé on a mac is, on face value, pointless. But it feels good and that's what matters a lot of the time. If some people don't get that, and prefer to pay less for their electronics, that's fine. But you can't deny the man had a vision and he achieved it - He basically built a phone from scratch with no experience in the field, just because he knew that smartphones that existed pre-2007 were shit. And now the iPhone is the most desirable and one of the most popular phones in the world.

I liked Obama's quote: "There may be no greater tribute to Steve's success than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented"

Holy shit, I always thought that was one of the most aggressive types of cancer...

It is, usually. Apparently he had some rare form that's not quite so aggressive. One of the main issues with pancreatic cancer (for most people) is that it's very difficult to spot when it starts. By the time you know of any of the symptoms, you're likely to be past the stage where treatment will help, unfortunately.

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