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Steve Jobs Has Died


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To those who haven't seen it, watch "Pirates of Silicon Valley". It's apparently fairly accurate and also a very interesting film. Steve was a dick but my god was he talented. Whatever business he touched in life he turned into gold.

edit: can't spell.

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A loss to the technology world if you ask me. Whilst many hate Apple and Jobs for making the brand so 'closed', its plain to see how much of a business and technology genius he was.

Whilst he will be a big loss to the technology world, I personally think that Apple will continue to thrive and make the (in my opinion) completely brilliant products that they do.


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He was probably the mosty important person in the evolution of technology!

Really? I can't stand Apple but can see that he was in charge of the company when it put out some pretty innovative products but I wouldn't go that far. As an aside, how involved actually was he in the concept/design of products like the iPod or did one of his guys come up with the concept and he then managed to promote it very efficiently to all the 'cool' people in the world?

Edit: Come to think of it, for geezer with personal wealth in excess of £5 billion and a company worth over £200 billion, the fact he

"wasn't widely known for his association with philanthropic causes", compared to Bill Gates' efforts. After resuming control of Apple in 1997, Jobs eliminated all corporate philanthropy programs.

surely that raises some questions over the ethics behind him/his associations...

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As an aside, how involved actually was he in the concept/design of products like the iPod or did one of his guys come up with the concept and he then managed to promote it very efficiently to all the 'cool' people in the world?

Meh, which ever it was he was bloody good in one industry whether that is product design or marketing and business. He (or Apple) have had a massive effect on my industry a long with many others you cant argue or knock that.

I dont argue his ethics might have been out of order. But we can only go on what the media tell us and how much of that can put money on being 100% truthful

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Really? I can't stand Apple but can see that he was in charge of the company when it put out some pretty innovative products but I wouldn't go that far. As an aside, how involved actually was he in the concept/design of products like the iPod or did one of his guys come up with the concept and he then managed to promote it very efficiently to all the 'cool' people in the world?

He was an idea and marketing man so I have heard, not so much on the technical side.

Marketing apple have done very well. Apple has a hell of alot of "street cred" which is brilliant considering how crap and over-priced alot of their stuff is and some in my opinion quite pointless (iPad, iPod touch). Have you ever noticed how most of Apples adverts never really say much about what the product can do, but more of how cool and stylish it is.

The only apple product I like are the iPods (except the touch), although I have never bought a new one because of the prices. For ages my mp3 players have been second hand iPods that have been bought on ebay. I am up to a 3rd gen nano, all the others broke because of me standing on them and breaking the screens and stuff like that.

Still, never nice to hear about someone dying. Especially at a fairly young age. RIP.

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Have you ever noticed how most of Apples adverts never really say much about what the product can do, but more of how cool and stylish it is.

You can say what you want about Apple as they bring a lot of the teasing on themselves, but i can assure you that is not the thinking behind their adverts. As someone who works in design and advertising i can assure you they wouldn't succeed if that's all that went in to the ad's. There is a hell of a lot more to it than that. A company of that size wouldn't be so flippant as to think "it looks cool, so it'll sell". There's a very big philosophy behind Apple and love it or hate it, it's consistant and it works.

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You can say what you want about Apple as they bring a lot of the teasing on themselves, but i can assure you that is not the thinking behind their adverts. As someone who works in design and advertising i can assure you they wouldn't succeed if that's all that went in to the ad's. There is a hell of a lot more to it than that. A company of that size wouldn't be so flippant as to think "it looks cool, so it'll sell". There's a very big philosophy behind Apple and love it or hate it, it's consistant and it works.

I never said that is all they do. I said it is what they do alot of the time. I have seen loads of apple adverts saying look how thin this is, this product suits everyone, look how much fun we are having with this, this is mind blowing, this is everything in 1... I could go on. But you rarely find an advert saying about what it has, what it does and it's specification.

Lots of companies do it and it works very well on the "cool kids" who are who they are trying to win over.

Another example but slightly different is energy drinks. But instead of adverts saying they are cool, they just slap their logo on everyones heroes and icons which automatically makes people think that it is cool. I know loads of companies sponser athletes and stuff but energy drinks do it on a bigger scale. Redbull especially, who even create their own events (redbull x-fighters, and the airplane one) and race teams (F1). It's alot more effective then a coca-cola banner of the side of a football pitch.

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Another example but slightly different is energy drinks. But instead of adverts saying they are cool, they just slap their logo on everyones heroes and icons which automatically makes people think that it is cool. I know loads of companies sponser athletes and stuff but energy drinks do it on a bigger scale. Redbull especially, who even create their own events (redbull x-fighters, and the airplane one) and race teams (F1). It's alot more effective then a coca-cola banner of the side of a football pitch.

That may be so, but none of those things make me want to buy an energy drink... I find it impressive what companies like Red Bull have achieved, which almost seems to be less about selling the drink now and more about promoting every kind of underground type of sport you can think of. Apple just need to rename a product and all the fanboys will buy it. And I actually do think that a lot of their stuff 'sells because it looks cool'- that's what the fanboys want. In some circles you simply have to be an Apple person to be accepted and I find that really sad, particularly when some of the products are so frickin' closed and restrictive for no reason whatsoever.

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That may be so, but none of those things make me want to buy an energy drink... I find it impressive what companies like Red Bull have achieved, which almost seems to be less about selling the drink now and more about promoting every kind of underground type of sport you can think of. Apple just need to rename a product and all the fanboys will buy it. And I actually do think that a lot of their stuff 'sells because it looks cool'- that's what the fanboys want. In some circles you simply have to be an Apple person to be accepted and I find that really sad, particularly when some of the products are so frickin' closed and restrictive for no reason whatsoever.

They may not make you personally want it, not all advertising techniques work on everyone, but there are a hell of alot of people it does work on. For example, I know people who drink the stuff everyday as a normal drink and people who wear energy drink logos on their clothing, cars, bikes, motobikes, helmets etc because it is "cool". I know people who don't even like energy drinks but do this because it's what Ken Block has, making it cool.

Yes Apple fanboys will buy it all. I once had a despute with one on the PC vs MAC debate. He was comparing his Mac to his old on PC untill I asked him how much the PC cost that he was comparing it too and he didn't answer and quickly changed the subject.

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