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Acid Diping


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Hey guys, looking at getting my frame acid dipped just so I can get that pimp polished look, I'm going to phone around tomorrow whilst work is quiet but I'm wondering from first hand experiances how its been for you?

By that I mean how well was the finish once it came out? Did it need polishing at all? How much was it when you got it done? etc.

Cheers, Mikey.

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Nitromorse, working your way up with different grit sandpaper and then polishing or acid dipping (if it is even the correct term) and having it come out (as far as I know) polish... Hmm touch choice.

I'd rather pay £25-30 to drop something off and pick it up then pay £10-15 and then waste a lot of my own time doing a halfarsed job.

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Ah fair enough, thought that acid dipping was probably somewhat related to nitromors. It's up to you, depends which you'd prefer.

I would recommend nitromors though, as I've seen how great it's made some frames look. Check these two threads out, rawed Onza Ice, rawed Zona Zenith. <-- However the guy that did the Zona Zenith ended up shot blasting it, then sanded it. Up to you.

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