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Smoking & Exercise

Luke Dunstan

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I remember a few years back an RAF PT instructor told us that you can still improve your health while smoking. :huh:

How true is this?

Why would it be false?

I'm pretty sure that if I did any kind of proper exercise, I'd be 10x better off than doing none at all, smoker or not!

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Think about all the old school pro footballers, fighter pilots, racing drivers and such that used to smoke. Still probably fitter than a lot of people these days, although probably not as fit as their modern day counterparts. Taking a drag of a fag doesn't make you unfit, it just gives the potential to lower your lung capacity. I used to do alright while smoking, although too many years has f**ked that up so I've stopped (again...).

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im in the army and smoke 20+ L&B per day, im fit and have got a lot fitter since doing regular exercise with the army.

i used to do 12min+ 1.5mile run, but im at 9mins at the moment and was down at 8.38 during a course i was on last year.

if you smoke you can still exercise and get better but not as good as you potentially could be if you didnt smoke.

im fit enough so dont see a need to stop at the moment.

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im in the army and smoke 20+ L&B per day, im fit and have got a lot fitter since doing regular exercise with the army.

i used to do 12min+ 1.5mile run, but im at 9mins at the moment and was down at 8.38 during a course i was on last year.

if you smoke you can still exercise and get better but not as good as you potentially could be if you didnt smoke.

im fit enough so dont see a need to stop at the moment.

That's the answer I was looking for. Golden V, I'm coming for thee!!!

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Of course you can still get fitter even while continuing to smoke. But if you're even slightly serious about fitness, why would you? You'll gain more performance in a day by stopping smoking for ~24 hours than you could hope to gain in a month of normal training.

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Of course you can still get fitter even while continuing to smoke. But if you're even slightly serious about fitness, why would you? You'll gain more performance in a day by stopping smoking for ~24 hours than you could hope to gain in a month of normal training.

This is true. If I have a few days of not smoking I find I can walk up the stairs without having to pause half way for a sit down.

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Not really related to thread but on the subject of exercise, this Russian dude has some serious upperbody strength. Checkout the exercise with the bike at 03:23-03:40

What is it with this forum and an unnatural obsession with topless men/working out?

Anyway, I smoke and cycle XC - with several ciggy breaks on a good run. Since cycling I've noticed I have gotten a lot fitter. I'd say it can certainly be done, but it doesn't make it easier by any means. Best off to just not bother in the first place (smoking, not excercise...sometimes).

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i am unfit because of the amount of junk food i eat but i also smoke and it doesnt really effect me when riding trials or at college laying bricks but i only smoke about 5 a day really but if something has annoyed me it will go up haha

Out of interest, how old are you?

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i thought it was u can smoke at 16, but only buy at 18? or some bullshit rules like that?

Indeed. I had a friend in a petrol station with me. I bought her fags with ID. Guy asked her if she had ID which she showed and says she's 16. He asked me if I was buying her cigarettes. I said yep, nothing said.

Edited by Hannah Shucksmith
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