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Ross Clayton - Zhi 26" Handbags On Standby, Enter At Own Risk

Mr Clayton

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Danny I'm curious! Do u ride trials still? If not why are u on here? Not having a go like.

Nah mate, and theres 100's of members on here who dont ride trials anymore and i dunno, its not really a trials forum anymore anyways, its arguement forum, the no.1 place to not be allowed to xpress your opinion without someone biteing your head off :)

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Why should the internet be taken any less seriously that real life?

Why should you (you meaning everyone, including me) talk to anyone any differently than you would in person?

Why shouldn't you try to put together a coherent argument that actually gets your point across rather than taking it down to petty insults?

People take this forum seriously because it's something a lot of people are actually pretty proud of - I don't really know any other forums which are, for the most part, trouble free. That's cool, so people try to protect it - whether it physically exists or not. If it means f**k all to you then f**k off and let the people who do care about it carry on.

Seperately to you Danny, this has just shown you never changed. You had a load of shit on this forum, you f**ked off a lot of people and then you left for a long time. When you first came back you seemed safe, giving advice and opinions and not being a dick. Then the whole dispute thing happened, but even forgetting that, this thread has just shown you up for being the whinging little dick you've always been. Do everyone a favour and take your opinions back to Youtube, you fit in more there and you can go earn your eMillions off of doing fag all with your life and being a depressive, attention seeking, little bitch. I know you don't give a f**k what I think, and the feeling's mutual, but there's no way I could keep that in any longer - nicely done.

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Nah mate, and theres 100's of members on here who dont ride trials anymore and i dunno, its not really a trials forum anymore anyways, its arguement forum, the no.1 place to not be allowed to xpress your opinion without someone biteing your head off :)

I think the fact you're calling it argument forum shows just how much we're allowed to express our opinions on here. If you want to express your opinions as liberally as you do, expect the opposing side to be allowed to do the same. If you don't like that, then don't be so vocal about your own opinion.

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Matt's got a point. Unfortunately you won't be getting a reply because according to Ross's latest status update about me he's been suspended.

In related news: Adam H and Danny B - you can both go and f**k yourselves. No, I'm not 'crying about it', I'm just not trying to hide away what I think of people on some dickhead's Facebook status. If you don't like me that's fine, but at least do it properly.

Yup - I suspended him yesterday.

I can't remember if he's banned from this topic, or this subforum... We'll find out in a couple of days!

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After being diagnosed with manic depression from the age of 12 till 21 anything I do in life is in the pursuit of happiness, I am happy to say it is working. I am just not that interested in being in a relationship right now, plenty of time left to do that, not a huge much longer left to ride trials as hard as I would like.

I must admit I am aware that my posts generally come across a bit negative which I am trying to balance out with positive ones. Much as in life, if I see something I like I'll post a comment, if I see something I don't I'll post a comment. Quite a lot of things on TF are repeat questions that I'll usually let other people answer unless I have some specific answer for it. But yeah, I am not really a negative person, far from it.

Really? Was your depression internally or externally caused? People who have happy peaceful lives full of love when they are young have no ambition or motivation when they are older and basically become degenerates but they are really happy usually. Does riding make you happy, or does being good at riding make you happy? Its interesting why people do what they do. I have an insecurity of rejection from growing up based on the premise of me being boring and loosing all my friends cause I wasn't interesting enough to keep them. I started riding to be a more interesting person because I would see riders ability to generate awe in people and it was an ability I wanted to have. Riding competitively is a really inefficient method for obtaining happiness, which is why I am curious if their is an insecurity that drives you or if riding really makes you happy. I am wondering because I can't see anyone getting that good without having some kind of insecure motivation most people don't have. I am competitive but internally I just get depressed when people are better than me. I get this feeling in my neck when someone makes me feel inadequate with my self. If someone challenges your ideas concentrate on your neck and see if it goes crazy.

This is soooo off topic lol. Feel free to not answer as it is something very personal I am asking, I am just very interested to know.

Edited by sayshell
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well i think u shud shut the hell up and piss off u big baby!!! jeez just because ur sponsored u think ur better than all us guys??!!! get of ur f**kin hi horse mate noone likes a show off

tralalalalaaa wheeeeeee just pissin mate ur sound love love big bang see u soon bbz! :lol:^_^ ^_^ ^_^:lol:

...Is what Ross Clayton would have said, were he not suspended - but seeing as he is, he can't. Yay!

I realize this next sentence is highly hypocritical, but it seems in this case you do indeed have to fight fire with fire:

Please stop posting in this thread. If you post in it, you bump it. If you bump it, more people will post in it. If more people post in it, it'll be here forever.

Let it die out and take it's natural course to the archives.

ha flip you legend! we blatantly need to get every member on the forum involved! ha

imagine the awkwardness between all raging riders at the next big ride!! hahahaha

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Ah yesssss, because Ali made a uci world cup final ( 2nd british rider ever) and won a round of the BIU World championships through not being a trials rider.............................

Ali can still kick 90% of the trials community at comps etc even if he does ride his "big bmx"

Sorry I didnt want to add to this stupid argument and bump it up anymore but I just had to add something

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I'm not going to join in the argument, it's definitely not winnable since you can't reason with a fool.

I am really pleased that this topic has happened though because it's managed to sling a big net around most of trials-forums biggest bellends and sucked them all into one area so that now when I browse TF it looks more like this...




So based on 3, rather small and yes pointless posts, this guy has immediately branded me as one of "trials-forums biggest bellends".

And we're the bellends laugh.gif

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Ali & Mark, you're both clearly arguing with people who aren't as good at it than you are. Would you argue with an 8 year old child, no you'd go awww isn't he cute and walk away. Just stop. You made your points 6 pages ago, no need to keep on going.

Octagon, your rep on here after the thread in the disputes section is appalling... and did you really call someone 'specy 4 eyes'? You're going on about peoples age yet you try to insult someone with an insult that a 4 year old uses?

Ali, you started all this, even though it may have been a joke, there was no need for it and it was obviously going to start all this crap.

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Ali & Mark, you're both clearly arguing with people who aren't as good at it than you are. Would you argue with an 8 year old child, no you'd go awww isn't he cute and walk away. Just stop. You made your points 6 pages ago, no need to keep on going.

Octagon, your rep on here after the thread in the disputes section is appalling... and did you really call someone 'specy 4 eyes'? You're going on about peoples age yet you try to insult someone with an insult that a 4 year old uses?

Ali, you started all this, even though it may have been a joke, there was no need for it and it was obviously going to start all this crap.

JT!, you're clearly arguing with people who aren't interested any more. Would you walk into the end of a relate meeting and restart the accusations of the wife cheating? No, you'd leave them to it. Just stop. Your point was made by other people 6 pages ago, no need to keep on going.

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Ali & Mark, you're both clearly arguing with people who aren't as good at it than you are. Would you argue with an 8 year old child, no you'd go awww isn't he cute and walk away. Just stop. You made your points 6 pages ago, no need to keep on going.

Octagon, your rep on here after the thread in the disputes section is appalling... and did you really call someone 'specy 4 eyes'? You're going on about peoples age yet you try to insult someone with an insult that a 4 year old uses?

Ali, you started all this, even though it may have been a joke, there was no need for it and it was obviously going to start all this crap.

Funny thing is, I am appalling at arguing.

After how this thread has turned out and people have shown their true colours, I think there was plenty of need to post what I did.

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Must have made a pretty strong impression then. You're continuing to make the same one now.

In the three posts, I never said anything abusive, or any harsh language. I "disagreed" with Ross's point, like many other on here.

So I fail to see how Im the "bellend". I made my points, and then left.

Edited by Echo Lite 09
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In the three posts, I never said anything abusive, or any harsh language. I "disagreed" with Ross's point, like many other on here.

So I fail to see how Im the "bellend". I made my points, and then left.

Well, as discussed already, he wont see your posts now so he wont see that you want an explanation. It's safe to say he wasn't just basing his judgement on you over 3 posts, that's for sure. But don't lose any sleep over it.

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Well, as discussed already, he wont see your posts now so he wont see that you want an explanation. It's safe to say he wasn't just basing his judgement on you over 3 posts, that's for sure. But don't lose any sleep over it.

This is very true, and I certainly wont lose any sleep. I just fail to see what other actions up on this forum I have taken that justify this.

Seems a tad judgemental. Anyway, rant over.

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