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Weirdest Crack Ever?


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The frame's already cracked at the headtube - but today I found this on the top of the BB shell.

There's about a million welds in that area for it to crack at, but instead it chose the round edge?


Sorry for the rubbish photo, it's the best my phone can manage. I realize it looks like a scratch, but it's definitely a wee little crack.

Do any other frames go in this manner, or is this just a freak occurrence?

Never seen one like it before.

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Well thanks for that :giggle:

Like I said... "Sorry for the bad picture" and "it might not look like a crack, but it is" go together. The picture doesn't really show it for what it is.

To all you haterz: it IS a crack. I know this primarily because it is growing, secondarily because it creaks when pedaling hard and teritiarily because you can see it's a crack when you have a better visual clue than what is in the picture :P

Also, it DOES extend down the side of the shell - you just can't see it in the picture because: 1) It's a shit picture, and 2), it's covered in grease and gunk in the shit picture.

Why do you all doubt me so? :

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I meant it more in a "it's anodized, so is unlikely to have been laquered" kinda way :P

It's certainly a strange place for a frame to crack, though not impossible. No signs of a knock or damage to the BB shell at all that could have instigated it, so unless there's more to it then who knows.

Could have been knocked at some point from the end of the shell, or could be materials/manufacturing - what frame is it/how old?

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I said I was sorry.

You haven't seen the headtube yet, either :(

Built the comp back up, which lasted all of 20 minutes before cracking 2/3rds of the way around the downtube.

Haha, no need to be sorry, it was done in anyway:)

dont sound good with the comp though! did you order a marino?

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you know, looking at the title of this thread I was expecting a snapshot from embarrassing bodies!

My limey does creak a little when pedalling but I'm pretty sure thats the BB.. definitely going to check it now though :P

Its doubtful it will have, only heard of two including mine breaking, and this one was the first ever production model, so its been going a while

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