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A Easy Question For My Coursework


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hey guys I'm not new to trials I just hardly use the forum :l but anywho

I need to ask people a question for a piece of coursework , some good structured answers would be freakin awesome.

" How Has Danny mac Changed trials ? "

eg the style of riding and introdudeing new people in to the sport .

Thanks :D


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Do your own coursework (Y)

I am , and I need to ask people this question ..

I'm not doing anyone elses coursework am I ? (Y)

He made the general public aware that people did other things than get drunk and fight in scotland.

haha thanks I'm going to use that :D

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I am , and I need to ask people this question ..

I'm not doing anyone elses coursework am I ? (Y)

No, you're getting us to write out what we know about his impact on the sport, and then you'll use it in your coursework - nice easy way of getting a few hundred words done for you.

Here's my advice: find out what the sport was like before say, April 2009, and then what it's like now. Then work out whether you can attribute that to Danny, weighing up and assumptions you make and being sure to address the other side of any arguments you make. It'll be done, it'll be all your own work, you'll get a decent grade.

If, however, you need to do a survey to get data for your coursework, then do just that and ask questions with specific answers so that you can draw your own conclusions. Simple.

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Thanks to the people who answerd it and didn't just ramble at me . :)

I need to ASK people that question and have unique answers from atleast 5 people and in my case list the site that I posted this question, sorry for actuly doing the work and not just making up random answers like half my class did . And I was into trials before Dannys first video .....

Find some interviews with him, see what he thinks himself of trials and how he has had an impact? What subject is this for? :blink:

This is for a subject called " avs " it's a extra lesson that about 30 people in my year do

soooo true, you cant ask people to do your work for you, there should be plenty of stuff on the net about danny mac etc, if you can find it look for concrete circus and watch that for an insight

I have seen it ._. I need Other peoples answers , its not a essay, and right now I cba to explain :/ maybe tomorrow

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Ross knows it, good rider, but the real question is he a trials rider or bmx/freestyle rider who does few hops now and again?...

Open your mind for one f**king minute.

Categorically he DOES NOT ride a bmx! Fairly simple to deduce therefore he is not a BMX rider. He can also out TGS most so if that's your definition of what trials is, then YES he very much is a trial rider.

However more importantly than all of that is the fact that he's a trials rider because he himself says it.

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What course is this?

its a course called " Avs " like i said before

this is what i finneshed with , this is only part of it because i still need to do a Leaflet and a " PDR " ( plan do review ) reviewing this task for my course

How has Danny macaskill changed the face of trials ?

I asked friends that ride trials with me and i asked people on the trials forum

( http://www.trials-forum.co.uk )

George blake : He reached mainstream media and inspired people to start .

Euan beaden : he has presented a new, fast moving style to trials, which many people find captivating and fascinating to watch. This style, which is very technical and also very dangerous, has inspired people to have a go or improve on their own styles.

Revolver (trials forum ) : He made the general public aware that people did other things than get drunk and fight in Scotland

Mr clayton (trials forum) : he showed the majority of riders on here how to ride an oversized lighter bmx with brakes

Brettol ( trials forum ) : Trials bikes had seats in the old days, then trials bikes didn't have seats, then Danny

Mac turned up with a bike with a seat and it was cool again

thanks for the good comments

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Revolver (trials forum ) : He made the general public aware that people did other things than get drunk and fight in Scotland

Thanks Revolver, for making Scotland sound shite at least we don't have riots...

Edit: We are probably too drunk to start/organise a riot in the first place, but still!

Edited by AndrewEH1
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