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A Bit Of Pad Confusion :s


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Basicly i want some new pads because my heatsink yellows only want to work when i have some tar on my rims but i do not have an endless supply of tar (and to be honest i cant be bothered any more to put a coating of tar on every ride <_< ). So i want some new pads that also works well in the wet because its comming up to winter (well not that it matters because the weather is s*** all year round) and i want some pads that will let me go out and have a good time with even with my 4 t-shirts, 2 jumpers and a coat.

Im running a raceline hs33 bled with water (will put some anti-freeze in at a later date), An echo sl 2-bolt brake booster, (in the next few weeks when i get it built i will have) An echo tr 19" rim and the frame i am running is an echo lite 2011 (if that matters at all). Hopefully within the next few weeks aswel, i will be getting some echo tr clamps. And before anyone makes any smart jokes, yes i do like echo :shifty:

I searched the forums and people seem to say that rockblues are the way forward in wet weather, but i would also like other suggestions :)


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Get a fresh set of Yellow refills.

Grind your TR rim. Sharp Medium with a slitting disc.

Set it up square (shouldnt be a problem as your going to be running TR clamps)

Put the Booster on.

Rebleed the brake to ensure there is no air at all in the system.

Ride and have fun :)

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Ive heard that they dont work in the wet... what setup do you have? Brakes work better/worse with different rims, grind and all sorts :S

They do work in the wet, not 100% as well as in the dry but no pad will perfom 100% the same.

I too agree that tnn lgms are awesome. I have had mine for about a year now and i still have loads of wear left. I first ran them with an echo tr rim and trialtech carbon booster and compared to other things i have run they were beastly. Over time the rim got trashed and i switched to a trialtech sl rim and the break changed a bit, still performed awesome but was much quieter, which i preferred. Wasn't too impressed by rockman blues, hence why i ended up running them on the front. Also run try-all crocos, phatpads, echos and various other ones, of them all lgms have worked best for me.

People will tell you all sorts of things in terms of what to go for, it depends a lot more on your setup than people think. But you should be pretty sorted.

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Ive heard

Pretty much sums up what anyone has said about any brake pad.

Funny that a brake pad that works great for one person doesn't for another.

With that in mind, pick any pad, there's no guarantee it will work the same as what anyone else has said about it.


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Pretty much sums up what anyone has said about any brake pad.

Funny that a brake pad that works great for one person doesn't for another.

With that in mind, pick any pad, there's no guarantee it will work the same as what anyone else has said about it.


How about maggura blacks? they may work well with my set-up.... B)

on a serious note, Well no because it all matters what brake set-up you have doesnt it? :blink: brakes change with the compound of the rim dont they?

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It's pretty true, which is why asking people what brake pads are good is dumb, unless they have your bike.


Which is why i asked what works well with the rim and told everyone my whole set-up incase they had the same. Chances are that they arent gunna have exactly the same but just the same rim and a 2-bolt booster should be good enough ;)

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You'd think...

The main problem with these threads is how much contradiction goes on in them.

You can't get a straight answer.

That's why you should stick to the pad review thread.

Just a little note, I use HS yellows on a TR rim with a 2 bolt booster with a grind, a dull one, and no tar. My brake is sick.


Edited by Revolver
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You'd think...

The main problem with these threads is how much contradiction goes on in them.

You can't get a straight answer.

That's why you should stick to the pad review thread.

Just a little note, I use HS yellows on a TR rim with a 2 bolt booster with a grind, a dull one, and no tar. My brake is sick.


I would stick to the pad reviews but i asked specifically about wet weather.

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