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Im Gunna Bang Size 24S!


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So correct me if im wrong.....surely i can bang some 24s on a 26 frame and that will be siiiiick!!! ive never riden 24 before and would like too, ive got a spare frame and some bits, i could always just put one together and see how it goes :/ anyone disagree??? i dont wanna go balls out and buy a zoot or owt and find its not for me??? btw i ride 20 and 26!! :D Sam

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ye see i didnt wanna go through all that and end up with a spaz bike!! lol that comment about fat birds made me laugh, reminds me of one of my mates james who goes out on the for fatties, fuker always gets laid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so are zoots frames smaller then or not??? cud u put 26s on one?? or is that silly, what does mccaskill ride in industrial revelution?? sorry bout typing i just woke up rudely by tha postman!!

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Why do you young folk overuse punctuation to such a vulgar degree? Putting additional questions marks doesn't make it more relevant a question, and additional exclamation marks no more impacting.

Perhaps try just make an attempt at some decent spelling and capital letters at the start of sentences as it'll communicate your questions and thoughts much more effectively and ultimately lead to a better outcome for yourself.

I'm not going to reply to a few lines of text speak all in lowercase as I've got no idea what you're going on about.

Edited by Matthew62
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For starters, im 23, so unless your 40 years old then your one miserable..........fella! And i was half asleep so i apolagise for my half assed attempt at a reply, or maybe its the fact that i have a pin screwed in my wrist after surgery for a break and im not back to my typing skills yet. I will do better to make it more simple for your brain to work out. Secondly what does it matter how I type my messages on a forum dude? Its a website, not an english lesson! If your full of negativity id rather not have your input, simple! Spread the love! Happy vibes because the suns out!! :D

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For starters, im 23, so unless your 40 years old then your one miserable..........fella! And i was half asleep so i apolagise for my half assed attempt at a reply, or maybe its the fact that i have a pin screwed in my wrist after surgery for a break and im not back to my typing skills yet. I will do better to make it more simple for your brain to work out. Secondly what does it matter how I type my messages on a forum dude? Its a website, not an english lesson! If your full of negativity id rather not have your input, simple! Spread the love! Happy vibes because the suns out!! :D

I fail to see how having a wrist operation effects your spelling and grammar, unless the pin went through a vital literacy organ :P

Anyways, what do you have at the moment? I'd assume it's preferable just to get a 24" frame as that's what it's designed for and the brake mounts will be lined up so you don't have to use disc. And Danny Mac rides his prototype frame in Industrial Revolutions, which is going to come out eventually as the Inspired Skye, or so I hear. You probably couldn't get 26" wheels in a Zoot, but I haven't tried it.

Your friend James sounds cool and the postman sounds very rude delivering your post.

Edited by bikeperson45
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For starters, im 23, so unless your 40 years old then your one miserable..........fella! And i was half asleep so i apolagise for my half assed attempt at a reply, or maybe its the fact that i have a pin screwed in my wrist after surgery for a break and im not back to my typing skills yet. I will do better to make it more simple for your brain to work out. Secondly what does it matter how I type my messages on a forum dude? Its a website, not an english lesson! If your full of negativity id rather not have your input, simple! Spread the love! Happy vibes because the suns out!! :D

Well if you're 23, you should be able to form a half decent sentence. You're wrist doesn't excuse anything, i've badly sprained mine but i can still type. If it's too difficult just get a dialing wand.

Don't be so inpertinent to suggest i need it dumbing down or made more simple. The ironic truth is that if you actually spell correctly, add correct punctuation and add the odd paragraph you make your message a lot more simple, therefore more people will understand what you're saying and will be able to help you. What does it matter.....? Thought i'd explained that already. The more effort you make, the less the reader does in order to help you, therefore leading to a better overall response. Seems like a good idea to me.

I'm not full of negativity it was a pro-ass tip.

P.S. To answer your original question. Banging 24" wheels in a stock won't make it feel 'sick' - it'll do little to improve things. The frames intended geo is based around 26" wheels so putting smaller ones in, isn't going to dramatically improve things, as the frame will still have the same length chainstays, and the same reach.

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Thanx for your reply buddy i appreciate the feedback , thats just the answer i needed about the 24s.

Sorry for the typing problems and my massive inability to "talk properly" and use silly words that no one on the forum would understand! Im sure every one who reads my past posts wont understand and i apolagise to them too, i will refrain from using any kind of slang in case of offending the majority.

For future referance. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sick Just incase u dont understand as its too foreign for you :) (i hope u dont mind me putting little faces)

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Why do you young folk overuse punctuation to such a vulgar degree? Putting additional questions marks doesn't make it more relevant a question, and additional exclamation marks no more impacting.

Perhaps try just make an attempt at some decent spelling and capital letters at the start of sentences as it'll communicate your questions and thoughts much more effectively and ultimately lead to a better outcome for yourself.

I'm not going to reply to a few lines of text speak all in lowercase as I've got no idea what you're going on about.

The first thing that sprung to mind when I read this was "FORUM BENDER". After research on google I believe I may have just invented a new phrase (I took my inspiration from the inbetweeners).

I think you should appreciate that not everyone is blessed with the same level of literacy. What if English was his second language etc.

If you cannot deduce what he is "going on about" from his post then you are the one that needs to go back to school...

Also, if he had asked you the same question face to face would you have ignored him because he didn't annunciate his words properly and tell him to ask again when he can pronouce his t's and r's? My bet is no.

Edited by Tomy P
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The first thing that sprung to mind when I read this was "FORUM BENDER". After research on google I believe I may have just invented a new phrase (I took my inspiration from the inbetweeners).

I think you should appreciate that not everyone is blessed with the same level of literacy. What if English was his second language etc.

If you cannot deduce what he is "going on about" from his post then you are the one that needs to go back to school...

Also, if he had asked you the same question face to face would you have ignored him because he didn't annunciate his words properly and tell him to ask again when he can pronouce his t's and r's? My bet is no.

He's from Hemel Hempstead.

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Found this at Eurobike, with Danny Macaskill, don't think it is his actual bike as he used magura and this is dual disc.

That's the production Skye bike. Danny's been running dual disc for a while now (hence him using it in all of his recent edits...).

What if English was his second language etc.

Most of the people on here who have English as their second language actually have better spelling, punctuation and grammar than most of the English-speaking people on here. They very rarely use text speak because they won't have learnt it, usually form coherent sentences, etc. Same with our e-mails and questions at work - the ones which are legible are usually ones from overseas...

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Also, if he had asked you the same question face to face would you have ignored him because he didn't annunciate his words properly and tell him to ask again when he can pronouce his t's and r's? My bet is no.

If someone spoke to you and didn't annunciate their words properly, you'd ask them to repeat themselves until you understood. Similarly, when someone types like a berk, you have to spend more time rereading it so you understand it as it is meant to be.

The difference being you might be able to persuade someone to pronounce something clearer by getting them to repeat it, whereas re-reading a shit post doesn't get any easier.

I suppose this applies more to text talk, but if someone writes a post with no punctuation you can sometimes misinterpret it.

Edited by Revolver
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