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Taper Bottom Bracket.


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I have a clicking noise coming from my, BB/crank area (left side) it only happens when i put a lot of pressure on it when im at a stand still.

I have changed the crank and pedals so its not that, im thinking its the BB.

I'm going to take it out during the week and grease it up and make sure its tight.

If that doesn't sort it i'll buy a new BB.

Which one should i get, i'm debating between the, echo/trialtech and neon carbon fibre.

Which would you's recommend for an onza pro 10.


Edited by bradjohnson
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It's probably just loose. If it's a 'clicking' then it's usually just loose. If it's a 'banging' then it's usually the actual bearings themselves, in which case it's new BB time. Same thing for any weird noise like that though - just strip, clean, re-grease, re-assemble and 99% of the time it'll go away.

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do you have a sealed bearing bb or loose bearing bb? i have had similar problems in the past with both types of bb. i found that if you have a sealed more modern style of bb the clicking is usualy bearings giving way.some times you can just replace the sealed bearings. if you have an older bb then it could well be the bearings just need a sevice and tighten.

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