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Bar + Stem For 24"


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Hey all,

I'm sure this has been discussed a thousand times but I've got to the stage where I have to ask. Why be on the forum if I can't ask ey!?

I run an Inspired geo Marino. Currently have a (borrowed) 110mm 10° rise race face stem (as far as I can tell) with a set of Azonic 2" rise bars. I'm a Hope whore so want to get myself one of their ace looking FR stems.

Although I like the current set up as it allows a streety feel but still with a bit of length that helps with the more trialsy moves, I miss spinning and the feel of a bike with a shorter front end.

Basically I want either Inspired risers or Trialtech Sport riser or High riser (whatever comes with a good recommendation) with a hope FR stem. I want to keep a bit of length for gaps, sidehops etc but not too long that it's a labour to whip out a 360 or two. I wouldn't be too bothered but the Hope is a big investment so want to get it right. No one local to try out setups either.

Would really appreciate advice/experiences with 24" setups.

Cheers muchly


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For a good compromise get a hope 90mm 10degree stem. It's what i have on my Inspired as i'm sure many others have as well. It's short, but not super shorts so allows for both styles of riding.

Bars are very much personal preference but i personally don't really like the upsweep of trials bars so i run Deity 2014 risers which have 50mm rise, but are much flatter than trials bars.

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Cheers for replies so far. Anyone fancy a trip to manc so I can try out their setups? No..? Don't blame you.

Ps. I always found the higher rise stems a bit harder for spins however this was back in the days before geometry was really considered in trials.

pps. Had a couple of Bailey's for some dutch courage and Tartybike'd it up with a 90mm 10º. I may regret the decision in the future but that's for me to cry over. Ta again for the help. Case closed!

Edited by cant_ride
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