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22 Inch Rims For Street-Trials? :)


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lol, not sure why I wouldn't like it, 22" wheels does seem like a great size, I would love to try a bike with 22" wheels! The only issues are lack of rims and tires, plus it would be nice to have a frame with geo meant for that size, but no harm in experimenting.

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  On 8/24/2011 at 12:25 PM, Ali C said:

lol, not sure why I wouldn't like it, 22" wheels does seem like a great size, I would love to try a bike with 22" wheels! The only issues are lack of rims and tires, plus it would be nice to have a frame with geo meant for that size, but no harm in experimenting.

thought you were a 26" advocate (over 24), that's why o thought you might not like it :)

Edited by zoster
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  On 8/24/2011 at 2:39 PM, Southend Trials said:

Quick questipn as some one must know, why is there a 24" wheel available but not 23"? Logical between both 26" and 20"?

Because there was that whole film/conspiracy about the number 23, and no-one could market them effectively enough to overcome the peoples' fear.

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Didn't Monty to a bike with a 23" rear wheel back int' day, however it might have been a 25" but tis still an odd size.

As for 22" they are meant to be the optimum size for BMX and we should all be using them :D

Wouldn't it be better to squeeze a 22 into a double disc mod frame?

I think it'll give better geo than putting them in a 24 the BB will be digging a furrow

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  On 8/24/2011 at 7:26 PM, thispartisrequired said:

As for 22" they are meant to be the optimum size for BMX and we should all be using them :D

Says who - other than the company selling them - and according to what logic?

Not saying it's wrong, but I definitely require an explanation before I agree with that statement.

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SEZ ME! lol.

Jason Levy too "we really should be riding 22" wheels" DIG BMX issue 79

This guy ->

(note he is riding a 20" and it is old school but there is a rather large gap where he eats it, with 22s he reckons he'd have made it)

Not much grounds for it really, it seems to be a good cause for argument in BMX too

Trials would be the perfect place for some oddball shit like this imo

to be honest i just like the sound of 22 :D

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And there's no evidence to say that getting a 22" bike will actually make them better.

Could just be the new-bike-placebo effect on the others.

Otherwise - by your logic, all the people who went from Fourplays to Hexes should be ripping the f**k out of rides, which hasn't happened so far.

Don't take people's word for it. It's just hype, until there's some proof.

"Oh yeah, I could have made that gap where I stacked it if I was on a 22"." Of course, it being several years later and his skill having improved in general has f**k all to do with it.

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are there any other companies besides faction that do 22" rims? (strong ones i mean)

i doubt it will be better for bmx (at leat for freestyle), but it might be a cool option for short guys like myself that want their street-trials bike to feel even flickier

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