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Weighing Air In Tires


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hey simon

I understand

to be honest we all have weird ideas sometimes

weighting air actually isn't the weirdest thing I heard about our sport

but please, don't take yourself or other people on here too seriously...

it's a forum...it gets boring when things are too serious

I am not serious. I just wondered you know if it was correct! I understand what you mean though.

I dunno if i read this properly but if you are really that bored go out and ride your bike? :S<_<

I wish I could man.

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Isn't the volume of a tube (pi x r^2)/4 times length not pi x (d/2)^2 times length

Edit: it's cool I'm a noob. I get a volume of 0.00495 m3 and density or air is 1.22kg/m3 so mass of air in the tire would work out to be 6grams??

Your calc was a little long winded.

I agree with the majority though...really something you'd even consider? Don't you have other activities in your life other than trials??

Edited by ben_travis
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Going on the way you seem to be posting in every thread you can at the mo I say you probably have more than enough time on your hands already...

I guess but...

When I'm on the TF, time flies, but if I spent my time measuring and calculating how much air weighs, I'd get bored much more quickly.

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Isn't the volume of a tube (pi x r^2)/4 times length not pi x (d/2)^2 times length

Edit: it's cool I'm a noob. I get a volume of 0.00495 m3 and density or air is 1.22kg/m3 so mass of air in the tire would work out to be 6grams??

Your calc was a little long winded.

I agree with the majority though...really something you'd even consider? Don't you have other activities in your life other than trials??

I have nothing else to do at the moment. I can't even ride.


Simon You are a star bud! You really have made my day with this keep it up dude. :lol:

Thanks a lot.

Edited by Canardweb
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I think the whole point was

a ) I am bored

B ) Did I make a mistake

the rest of the debate was irrelevant.

and although I am equally bored right now, I'm not bored enough to check those equations!

Edited by Tomy P
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