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Weighing Air In Tires


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Helo, I am so bored I was trying to make a complete Excel sheet with the weight of all the components composing my bike now that I have ordered a new frame. Then I asked myself how much the air represented in terms of weight on a bike. I made this stuff but I think it is wrong because 10 grams is really too low. Can people tell me what they think and if you can spot my mistake(s)?


Thanks a lot. By the way my new bike should be really light!

Edited by Canardweb
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You have made a couple of small mistakes when calculating the volume due to (60^2)/2 is 1800 not 900 and also for the length of the tube you have taken it as the smallest possible value for the diameter when the diameter in between the smallest and the diameter including the tyre would be more accurate.

Edited by Oli P
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People actually measure PSI for trials?

This topic, along with other classics like "How many holes should I drill in my rim" and "I've cross threaded my dustcap, help" really should only be answered as a joke... Who gives a shit how light your bike is, just ride it!

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People actually measure PSI for trials?

This topic, along with other classics like "How many holes should I drill in my rim" and "I've cross threaded my dustcap, help" really should only be answered as a joke... Who gives a shit how light your bike is, just ride it!

Just because you don't give a shit doesn't mean no one does, I'll admit that weighing air is a bit extreme though.

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Weighing air is pretty nuts. 10 grams isn't too much though, air weighs f**k all.

If you are really that bothered about a few grams, take your shirt off, or try putting helium in the bike...


I don't really bother, I just got bored as nuts and decided to try to calculate the weigth of air!

You have made a couple of small mistakes when calculating the volume due to (60^2)/2 is 1800 not 900 and also for the length of the tube you have taken it as the smallest possible value for the diameter when the diameter in between the smallest and the diameter including the tyre would be more accurate.

Nope. The formula for volume is: Pi x (d/2)^2 x L. and (d/2)^2 isn't at all equal to (d^2)/2...

remove wheels from bike.





compare difference....

I will try, but I haven't got access to a balance.

Oh, you're still here.

Weighing with/without air will be quickest and easiest, but new lows man seriously.

Glad to hear your new bike will be really light though, that's made a crap morning much more excellent.

I'm still here yes. Just as said above, I'll do when I get a balance or something to weigh. What do you mean by "new lows man seriously"?

My bike will be light, but I am not sure if you really care or if this is sarcasm... :huh:

People actually measure PSI for trials?

This topic, along with other classics like "How many holes should I drill in my rim" and "I've cross threaded my dustcap, help" really should only be answered as a joke... Who gives a shit how light your bike is, just ride it!

Normally, I wouldn't care, but riding a 10+ bike just made me want to make myself a light bike only to make myself happy about it. Life's simple...

Just because you don't give a shit doesn't mean no one does, I'll admit that weighing air is a bit extreme though.

I know, but I was bored so I tried to make something out of my spare time.

Edited by Canardweb
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:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:

simon... that's a strange way to spend your time

it's a bit like saying your bike will weight more in the rain, because of the rain drop on your bike...

People, I really don't care about the weight of air! I just want to make myself happy building a light bike! And listing all the components weight made me wonder if I could calculate the weight of air. That's all! I just got bored, I cannot get out as I want to right now too so I just try to do something out of my spare time. The only reason I show you this is to tell me if I am wrong that's all. It's a bit like if you were teachers correcting a student as I know there are some engineers on here. So don't think I am a weight weenie or anything! I just wondered and I ask you if it sounds correct. Thanks a lot everybody!

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People, I really don't care about the weight of air! I just want to make myself happy building a light bike! And listing all the components weight made me wonder if I could calculate the weight of air. That's all! I just got bored, I cannot get out as I want to right now too so I just try to do something out of my spare time. The only reason I show you this is to tell me if I am wrong that's all. It's a bit like if you were teachers correcting a student as I know there are some engineers on here. So don't think I am a weight weenie or anything! I just wondered and I ask you if it sounds correct. Thanks a lot everybody!

hey simon

I understand

to be honest we all have weird ideas sometimes

weighting air actually isn't the weirdest thing I heard about our sport

but please, don't take yourself or other people on here too seriously...

it's a forum...it gets boring when things are too serious

Edited by chimpanzyyyy
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The mass of air in a tire doesn't really add to the mass of the bike though... the air particles don't just sit at the bottom pressing against the lower surface due to gravity.

...yes they do? Well the particles don't "sit at the bottom" but they do press down due to gravity.

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