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Sorry for the noobness guys but being in the beginners ttials chat section i figured there would be some leeway for new school ness? I just thought since i'd seen quite a lot with seats they might come in useful sometimes :L

Yey!! Another Phase 1.2 owner!! :D They're great beginners bikes!! I love mine!! :)

And no they dont have seat holes!! :P

<-- Thats mine!! :D


awesome! Cant wait till it arrives! :)

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I wasn't talking to you mate, I was talking to OnzaKid, when I first came here, the majority of bikes had seats. That's what I meant by new school, I remember the old school when most bikes had either a proper saddle, or these horrific plastic mini seats that looked more uncomfortable than a top tube. A seat does come in useful, but I think the argument against them would be the fact it'd ruin the geo because you wouldn't be able to get the top tube as low, and weight, because no-one seems to have the strength they did a few years ago.

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I remember the old days when my giant had a seat was nice when cruzing to diffrent spots to ride but when u get better u and with frames getting better you don't really need them because they get in the way and starting off your going to bail a few times so you dont want that hitting your crown jewels good luck rideing and welcome to trials

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You're so new school it knocks me sick.

Well I'm sorry, I've never seen anyone ride a trials bike with a seat, other than YouTube.

I went on a massive Brighton group ride once, about 40 odd people... And there was not a single person with a mod/stock that had a seat.

Why do you care about me being "new school", so what? I was 14 when I started trials, you probably started at the same age. I was born a couple or more years later than you. It just means I entered trials in a new "era" and I have had access to better bikes since I've started, so why should I even bother thinking about old school? It may be where you started off, but that's the past. Let it go, live for today, not your past.

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You can do what you want, in the same way I can. I'm not saying you need to care, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't. More knowledge is never a bad thing. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it's irrelevant. I was responding to your post more than you, if you would have said "That bike doesn't come with a seat to allow for better geo and clearance." I wouldn't have said anything, but it was more the fact you tried to insult someone new to this, who was just asking a question. Saying he hadn't done any research, isn't that what he was doing by asking a question?

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You can do what you want, in the same way I can. I'm not saying you need to care, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't. More knowledge is never a bad thing. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it's irrelevant. I was responding to your post more than you, if you would have said "That bike doesn't come with a seat to allow for better geo and clearance." I wouldn't have said anything, but it was more the fact you tried to insult someone new to this, who was just asking a question. Saying he hadn't done any research, isn't that what he was doing by asking a question?

I'm sorry I insulted someone.

On topic, if you do get a seat, get one of these it's small and out of the way.

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Have you not done any research? The bike he's bought can't fit a seat.

I know, but if he does decide to get a trials bike with a seat tube (one of the old onzas) then that would be one to get. :)

But, he could try using this if he wanted to. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/other_frame_spares/monty_seat_pad/c127p2226.html

Not sure if it fits bikes other than montys though.

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