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Inspired Bicycles


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I was looking through TartyBikes and noticed that they had a 26" Inspired bikes (much to my disbelief) so I went looking for a 20" one and there wasn't one. :(

Why don't they make a 20" trials bike? I'm sure it would be really popular.

24" Version

26" Version

And I hope the 20" version doesn't look anything like the image below, or I'd be pissed...


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I agree, but still... I'd wanna see them release an inspired mod. :P

You might be waiting a while.

It'd be far more in their business interest to make an Inspired BMX frame with a geometry that is slightly more tailored to trialsy moves than a regular BMX.

Indeed - In my mind, that's the only way it could work.

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In my limited experience of Dave, there's pretty much f**k all chance of an inspired mod in my opinion. I think it'd cheapen the brand too.

I also reckon that if they did go with a bmx they'd probably do it under a different name because the bmx scene would avoid a trials brand like the plague.

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I also reckon that if they did go with a bmx they'd probably do it under a different name because the bmx scene would avoid a trials brand like the plague.

Are we THAT un-cool? :(

I knew we were fairly looked down upon by those from "the block", but I didn't know it was that bad...

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In my limited experience of Dave, there's pretty much f**k all chance of an inspired mod in my opinion. I think it'd cheapen the brand too.

I also reckon that if they did go with a bmx they'd probably do it under a different name because the bmx scene would avoid a trials brand like the plague.

Really? I go to skateparks quite a bit, and they're all fine with me riding a trials bike. They're pretty impressed by it too, but that more chavvy stuck up ones are like "you no ride a bmx, you a douche" and act like a dick.

I agree it would cheapen the brand a bit, I would be interested in what they would come out with though, if they were told to create an inspired mod.

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Id prefer for Trialtech to bring out a set of compy frames that were modern geo but stronger/thicker tubing than whats on offer at the moment.

I don't see the point in an Inspired 20" really.

A frame fit for their forks - I concur. And with the same finish would be bloody lovely.

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Pardon my ignorance but isnt Try-all the name for Koxx's components?

As Trialtech are the same company as Inspired.

Waitwaitwait what. How could I not know that Try-All made Koxx frames? Why didn't they just make the frame called Try-All? :huh:

So that's why my Koxx frame came with every single other piece of the bike branded with Try-All...

So Trialtech are Inspired? :huh:

Wow major epic lack of information here.

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Really? I go to skateparks quite a bit, and they're all fine with me riding a trials bike. They're pretty impressed by it too, but that more chavvy stuck up ones are like "you no ride a bmx, you a douche" and act like a dick.

I agree it would cheapen the brand a bit, I would be interested in what they would come out with though, if they were told to create an inspired mod.

SOunds like the chavvy stuck up ones are part ape too? ^_^

It's pretty pointless in my opinion ; but you never know.

I agree, I wonder why Trialtech and Try-All don't make frames? They do a bloody good job with all the other parts. :ermm:

They're just component brands... im actually really suprised you didn't know that :)

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