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I'm a bmx'er, but i want to start with trials now.

The problem is that i'm from belgium, so buying a new bike isn't that simple.

I've checked places like pinkbike, but most of the americans and canadians don't want to ship so far. So my question is; does anyone know another place where i can find trial bikes?

i've also got another question.

The first reason i got interested in trial bikes is because i wanted to buy a new bike (perhaps not the best reason :)) So if i'm gonna buy a new bike i want it to have at least some gears, front and rear brakes and a saddle.

I like the inspired bikes a lot, but they're a bit expensive :) Does anyone know other trial bike brands (for beginners) witch have these? And do you think it's also possible to use a trial bike to go to the pool, school etc... ?



edit: oops I think i've posted it on the wrong forum.

Edited by cael
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If you are looking for a used bike look no further than this forum in the Buy/Sell Section, shipping depends of the person but most people are reasonable.

If you are looking for a new bike try Tarty Bikes, they ship anywhere in the world.

Most modern trials bikes don't have gears anymore since the UCI changed the rules regarding gear ratios.

If you want a 20" Onza make some very decent beginner/cheaper frames, if you fancy a 26" ZOO! are good.

Although from your post it looks like your after an Inspired 24" which you could buy from either here or Tartybikes.

Trials bikes are pretty impractical for longer journeys due to them being, usually, single speed. Although I often run about town on mine.

Edit: Hardly any trial bikes have saddles you can actually sit on whilst riding, all 20" and almost all 26" don't have a saddle at all, so if that is what your looking for you better get a very long seat post

Edited by AndrewEH1
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thanks for the information. Especially the info for gears was really helpful. But now i've got another question; is it possible to do trials with a bike like this: http://www.pinkbike.com/photo/7013948/ ?

It's because I really want to use my bike for other stuff then just trials that i'm looking further for other sorts of bikes. Extra info is always welcome!

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The bike you have linked to is more of a Dirt Jumper/Street Jumper. You could techincally use it for 'trials' (you could really use any bike) but the weight of the shocks/frame/other components might mean you are limited in what you can do.

If you really want to use a DJ bike for trials it would be best to at least switch out the shocks for some rigid forks.

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If i'm going to assemble a bike, would it be possible to find/use a DJ-frame that i can also use for trials?

Then use a rigid fork, and a back wheel with derailleur and (i dont know the english word but i think it is chainwheels?) ?

But i'm not sure that the derailleur will fit with the front chainring?

Another option would be to use normal mtb chainrings on the front, but those would be to big, or are their special chainrings for that?

plus what's the best option for brakes and what do you mean with engagements? My english isn't that good :)

thanks for all the help sofar!


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Hmmm, why don't you just get an inspired fourplay? When you want to do trials keep the low gear ratio on, when you want to get about town or do some park riding then raise the gear ratio?

^ Would be waaay better & efficient than getting a dirt jumping bike frame and using gears.

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