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So Phone Question


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Sony Ericsson W302


Some of you may recall I had ebay buying issues earlier this month. Heres the condensed version:

Bought phone off Ebay, posted to default address not given address (don't live @ default anymore), Ebay dispute opened, Ex-landlord texts me to say he has some post for me, post arrives - this phone, Ebay dispute won - money refunded...

So I got my money back and the phone. As I was un-wrapping I was debating giving him his money back (cos im not a dick like that) but that was immediately un-debated when the seller was going to con me over anyway! Read on...

The ebay auction said the phone was unlocked. Either that or the phone carrier is a company called 'Unlocked'... So I was a bit annoyed when I put my vodafone sim in and it said 'Insert correct sim'. So I took it to two local places who both failed to unlock it, one said 'its not even on the list' while the other said it was his software compatibility problem.

Does anyone know something very obvious like these phones are unlockable? If they are can someone point me in the right direction? I don't even know what network provider it was originally on, except its not Vodafone, O2, T-mobile, Virgin or Orange. Any others to try?

Thanks gurus

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havent been into phones (other than using one), used to buy and sell a few (seem to remember selling andyNBR one on here, which turned out to be blocked, and it cost me £60 to refund him).

some phones, will say inactive sim, or invalid sim, or the like, if you stick a sim card in them, and they are blocked. might be worth looking into what message that phone would display if the phone was blocked. (sometimes they will display different messages depending on what network sim you put in them)

other option of course is the phone is locked down to one MCC (mobile country code) so it cant be used outside its home country (again im not too up on this, it may be that it does work with some uk sims, as i know the uk now has 2 MCC's, so it may be unlocked to take any network sim, but only from a certain country code,which may even be the uk). This was done supposedly so that when we were getting colour screens etc, india and other developing nations where getting 3310's but there paying the equivalent of about £10 for them, whilst we were still paying £60/£70 for them, so it was stuck in to stop people just buying a crate of 3310s in india, shipping them over here,unlocking them and selling them on and undercutting nokia.

this is all stuff from like 5/6/7 years ago when i used to buy trade ins off a mate, then flog them on in college for £10/£15 profit.

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^^ Yeah sorry for not replying, still the same. My brother has a simlock code on his T-mobile sim, it asked for the passcode first and then went to the insert correct sim message screen, so it is reading it right...

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