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Concrete Circus Channel 4 Tonight 9Pm


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To be honest though, I enjoyed Dannys the least... I wonder whether people from the other genres would feel the same - that their 'representative' kind of didn't pull out anything majorly new or daring. Stu just tried to edit like Dave and it came out a bit of an obvious imitation... I'm gonna watch again though obviously because that's just first thoughts.

I think the same at the moment. My main criticism was the song choice, Sowerby got it spot on before in my opinion and the one used here wasn't energetic enough for my liking.

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Really good programe on the whole. The Parkour was a bit crap imo. I really liked the editing on the flatland video. The skater was impressive too but like has been said Mullen has been doing that for years. Danny's bit was cool the wire ride was awesome. Was a bit less of his normal style, even my missus enjoyed the whole thing!!

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That was fab, missed the flatland vid though, had to take a shit :(

Not to worry, your shit was better than the flatland vid unfortunately - too much about the editing, not enough about the riding. Don't think there was actually a whole uninterrupted trick without the angle changing.

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Skateboarder Kilain Martin, and Danny Macaskill, killed it with their performances. Editing kinda ruined Keelan Philips's bmx flatland segment, and to be honest, i would rather prefer flatlander Terry Adams, because of his unique style to ride around different places than just spinning around on one spot. Parkour/Freerun segments were pretty good to.

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Anyone seen this?

Also - loved the documentary aspect of the show. The end sequence was great and many aspects of the individual films were great too. I think the short timescale put totally killing it out of the window, and some of the edits were a bit poo. You could also see the difference in the swimmingpool footage for KM compared to the rest of his film, seemed like in a couple of the films c4 did some of the filming work for the sections...

All in all - great tv.

Dannys manny drop, ropey ride and the ride across the top of the carriages (short run bhop) were pretty special...

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benito should of been on there aswell. it was good though.

the skate border done some old moves that i saw in a vid a whille back http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcbCCFb0zXI.


Skateboarder Kilain Martin, and Danny Macaskill, killed it with their performances. Editing kinda ruined Keelan Philips's bmx flatland segment, and to be honest, i would rather prefer flatlander Terry Adams, because of his unique style to ride around different places than just spinning around on one spot. Parkour/Freerun segments were pretty good to.

the parkour wasnt as gd as iv seen but still very entertaining. david belle is the one to watch :D

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The parkour video had the potential to be so much better than it was.. I hate the fact they were being "chased" it just implies that parkour is another one of those sports which is done by "yobbs" and they should be chased?

Danny's video was good, would really like to see what Dave Sowerbury would have done with the footage!

Am I on my own in thinking there is something wrong with the colour-balance in Dannys vid? The Orange and the Green are ridiculously bright.. and everything else in the shot is really dull. So it's just me then? :P

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I am afraid it was too commercialized, that is the problem with TV they put there own stamp on it.All the riding, skateboarding and free running were good, but it lacked the atmosphere that goes with these sports.The flatland vid was the only one with any sort of attitude in it, if you follow my meaning.You see better clips on here I think well some of them. I would have preferred to see these guys out with there mates just doing there thing filmed by one of them.The nearest they got were the Barbican shots which seemed more casual.Not criticizing those who took part as they were all great sportsmen just the vehicle they had to use.

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I sort of get what you mean. It wasnt a "true" vision of the sports. We dont all ride deserted train yards in perfect sunshine. Or perfectly empty sections of the city. But it was a very good edit and i liked it. I personally think the best set piece of trials film was the Newbury section in chainspotting. Dark and cold and only lit by streetlights.

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Really nicely done documentary. Especially loved Danny's part. However, having been thrown off Barbican yesterday by a very angry, annoyed police officer threatening a prosecution the final film was a bit of a mixed message.

i said exactly that when i saw that bit somehow it's alright aslong as you have a tv crew with you doesn't really make sense obviously it would be a bit ott if we went in cinemas but come on lol

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Watched the whole programme last night.

Danny's was by far the best of all the edits! The flatland bmx was crap, over edited and badly filmed. The Skater despite NOT being the only important think in skatboarding in 20 years had a fairly good edit, shame he pretty much did the same stuff throughout the whole programme. The Parkour went down a different rout with there vid, it was a bit of a gamble and I don't personally think it paid off, it seemed a bit gimmicky to me.

Danny's riding was pretty epic, hopefully it will shut up the people who say he doesn't ride trials.

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Did anyone notice the presence of a rear disc brake?

Yeah i did! But i thought it was just me :P

I thought Danny Mac's video was awesome! But what i liked the most is how they managed to bring all the sports together! Hopefully this will help to get trials and other urban sports much bigger and more recognized :D

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