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Do You Have A Phobia?


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I was thinking about this in the shower the other day - I do most of my thinking in the shower.

I dont think I genuinely have a phobia of anything. Does anyone have one where they would actually class it as a phobia and not a strong dislike towards something.

Interested in seeing what if so :)

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my mates old colleague was a cage fighter.....petrified of sponges!!! haha Guess they had to use a cloth between rounds. Id fight him with those massive sponge hands on from gladiators haha.

and the same mate has another colleague who is mortified of owls.....even pictures or stuff that even mildly resembles an owl. He aint keen on the word either!

Edited by arw_86
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Cage fighter scared of owls = possible solution to the recent owling problem.

Not phobias, but I'm a bit calustrophobic and scared of heights. Not a big fan of spiders, usually panic if I notice one up close though this may vary. Geoffrey didn't make me panic (a large-ish spider which every evening ran from under the TV to under my desk).

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Seems like claustrophobia and also maybe heights a little bit.

Lifts and small rooms and cars don't scare me... but you would be very lucky to get me to go crawling down a pipe I can't turn around in. If you followed me down then I'd probably kick your face until you went back.

And if I was stuck in the mine at chile, I'd not mind tooooo much about being stuck in the mine itself but I'd be bricking it in the tube on the way to the surface.

Edited by Revolver
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Seems like claustrophobia and also maybe heights a little bit.

Lifts and small rooms and cars don't scare me... but you would be very lucky to get me to go crawling down a pipe I can't turn around in. If you followed me down then I'd probably kick your face until you went back.

And if I was stuck in the mine at chile, I'd not mind tooooo much about being stuck in the mine itself but I'd be bricking it in the tube on the way to the surface.

That's what my claustrophobia is like. But I don't like lifts. Car, small rooms and being in stuck in large crowds though is ok.

Crawling through tight spaces/tunnels is the worst for me. Has any one seen the film 'The Descent'? As a whole it wasn't scary at all, but when they were crawling through lose cave tunnels ( especially when one of them got stuck ) was the most scared I have ever been watching a film.

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Doesn't go as far as a phobia, but I can't stand insects. I'm 22 year od guy, but there is no way that I'm going to pick up a spider to remove it. I can't even remove them with a vacuum cleaner because I know they will go past my arm!

I also feel anxious when "there is no way out". When I'm in a plane for example. There is no reason for me to be scared, but what if I wanted to leave? I couldn't. Nothing to be scared of but I'm making myself crazy. I have this same fear when I'm in formal situation; At dinner with my girlfriends family. I can't just stand up when I want to, that would be rude. I feel like I'm stuck at the table. I have no reason to get away, but just the thought that I can't makes me insane.

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*Spiders* and girls.

Used to hate heights too but rock climbing amongst other activities have helped me pretty much overcome this fear. Depending on the circumstances I also don't like water, I've had few scary moments. One where my leg got stuck in a capsized kayak, I don't think I've ever been so terrified for my life.

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After my car crash in the taxi from a night out last year I wouldnt step in a taxi a few weeks after and the one time I gave in I had to go in the front seat. It was actually on a night out with someone on here. Ive never felt fear like it in all my life. furiously sweating and was holding on to.the door handle with stupid amounts of pressure. Was absolutely crazy. Thats just come back to me. Im fine now though and it doesnt even phase me

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