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London Riots


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Millwall firm and another firm are out in force looking for looters. About time something happened.

There's about 250 - 300 millwall, charlton, Chelsea and west ham fans out and about. I was in clapham with a broom this morning - absolutely devastating

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Personally I think as well as the usual immediate punishment, anyone associated should be banned for life from any kind of tax exemption or job-seakers, you wan't to cost us money, we're sure as hell not giving you any.

I bet that'd be "against their human rights" <_<

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Most likely, but that's the problem, it's against their rights for their life to actually go that badly wrong that they have to give a shit about the consequences of their actions. Maybe if they knew there'd be cock all help if they did screw things up in life/sit on their arse all day then they might make more of an effort to be a useful member of society.

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Are you suggesting this is due to the energy crisis?

If so, LOL.

I assumed you meant by this statement that it has nothing to do with it otherwise why write it.

This has very little to do with the energy crisis would have made more sense.

Firstly, I don't recall saying this has NOTHING to do with energy, so don't try and put words in my mouth.

Secondly, there's probably millions of things that contribute to this problem, my point was you can't say the energy crisis caused it. Ask the youths that are torching or looting places why they're doing it and I can guarantee there will be barely any, if any at all, that use the price of energy as an excuse.

In fact, from what I've heard people have just been saying because they wanted stuff they couldn't afford. They didn't mention a high gas bill or anything. There's stuff I can't afford, but that's not down to how much I pay for electricity.

Don't try and start a debate about something unrelated.

So even though you have just written that you did not say it has nothing to do with the energy crisis it is unrelated?

Also why are you telling me what I can or cannot write on a free speaking forum?

They might not say it, because they may not be aware of it.

Have you ever lived in real poverty?

Stuff you cannot afford?

Like what?


Clothes for your kids?


You may well have, I don't know.

If you have you will know, if not, I'm afraid it's not very nice.

Maybe if they knew there'd be cock all help if they did screw things up in life/sit on their arse all day then they might make more of an effort to be a useful member of society.

Unfortunately if there was f**k all help they would steal more stuff and on a more regular basis, what would you do?

Find a job?


Starve to death?

Watch your family suffer while f**k heads drive round in nice cars which they park in their big houses they bought with all their 'hard earned' money from ripping people off, selling people shit they don't really need?

I'll admit this is mainly cockheads but by saying this has nothing to do with a society that gives not a f**k and is so brainwashed into making the rich richer whilst the poor watch and get pissed off, then there will be no solution.

Why do these people behave like this?

They were not born that way.

"You condemn. Then what? You have to look for some solutions. Condemning alone is not enough."

Edited by Matt Vandart
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....what would you do?

Find a job?



Yes, that's pretty much exactly what I was implying they should do. I realise there are cases where people genuinely cannot find any work in their area, and there are people who have very good reasons why they can't work, but they're the exception not the majority, and I believe these exceptions should continue to get support. The majority of people I know of who are on job seekers allowance make little to no effort to find a job. If they're willing to waste tax payers money by smashing things in a pointless, causeless riot as far as I'm concerned, in my eyes they've shown a complete lack of care for the society that they're dependent on, and as a result, in my eyes, they've forefitted the right to our support. I never said no one should receive support.

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Clearly more armoured trucks are needed... Croydon was a ghost town last night!

This could be a bit controversial, but I personally think that the reaction from the police has been a good one overall. It would be impossible to always have 16,000 police available for London at the drop of a hat 'just in case' of a riot. They did what they could with the 6,000 available on Monday night and knew full well they were overstretched. They didn't resort to the kind of violence which would have resulted in a whole lot more trouble in the media (whether that's right or wrong).

Some lovely buildings have been lost, some businesses lost and lives massively effected. A couple have even lost their lives...

You know what? f**k it. I can't pretend. GET THE f**kING WATER CANNONS AND RUBBER BULLETS OUT. f**k these little scroats up.

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It certainly was nice to have a quieter night last night, but in regards to the water cannons etc....the Police keep saying it's too aggressive and what not, but i'm really not sure the rioters understand anything else.

They're credited with far too much intelligence, they're not rational or capable of clear, concise thought so perhaps a little taste of their own medicine might be exactly what they need. Even if it's just a deterrent so that they might just think twice before messing the place up. If there are known consequences then it might at least dwindle the numbers of those taking part.

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Don't listen I'm full of shit.

I'm glad to see that the rioting is London has seemed to have calmed down even if there were more fires, although the riots outside of London are worrying. The state of youth culture thinking that rioting and looting is OK is extremely concerning.

Whatever reason we come up with for these riots we are probably wrong. People who riot and destroy their local area and local businesses because of the Government/boredom/a known drug dealer getting shot/police brutality/or what ever pathetic excuse they come up with, have no respect at all and hopefully will be given the most severe punishment possible.

If they really wanted to make a point and be listened to and respected they should have organised a mass peaceful protest and marched on Whitehall. But they didn't because the majority of people who were on the streets at night are scum. I agree that there are people out there that need help but the actions of the rioters do not help their cause.

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Have you ever lived in real poverty?

Stuff you cannot afford?

Like what?


Clothes for your kids?


You may well have, I don't know.

If you have you will know, if not, I'm afraid it's not very nice.

If you call that poverty, then yes. When I was a kid we had no money whatsoever. We didn't complain or riot, because we're not filth. My brother and I made do playing with our imaginations instead of expensive toys, and our parents worked like bastards to earn our family a better life.

The scum and filth will always behave that way, regardless of their situation. For whatever reason, they were brought up thinking that it's OK to behave like this.

There are jobs available, lots of them. If you're willing to deliver pizza, or empty the bins, or cut grass, or paint fences then you can get work. Probably not full time, and not paying much, but it is there. The fact is they don't want to work, or most of the chavs and scum I've known over the years don't. (Regardless of skin tone).

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If you call that poverty, then yes. When I was a kid we had no money whatsoever. We didn't complain or riot, because we're not filth. My brother and I made do playing with our imaginations instead of expensive toys, and our parents worked like bastards to earn our family a better life.

The scum and filth will always behave that way, regardless of their situation. For whatever reason, they were brought up thinking that it's OK to behave like this.

There are jobs available, lots of them. If you're willing to deliver pizza, or empty the bins, or cut grass, or paint fences then you can get work. Probably not full time, and not paying much, but it is there. The fact is they don't want to work, or most of the chavs and scum I've known over the years don't. (Regardless of skin tone).

Ditto all of that.

These people are better off not working because benefits mean you end up with the same amount of (or more) money for doing bugger all. I am completely in favour of the benefits system for people who GENUINELY need help, but people who COULD work but can't be bothered to really piss me off.

I got my first job at 16 erecting marquees, working up to 100 hours a week at £2.50 an hour - get yourself a dog and a kid and you'll get at least that plus a council house for sitting on your arse*

*Not sure of those exact figures, but I know of people who have quit their jobs because it made economical sense to do so.

Edit: That maybe comes across a bit strong, I'm just angry at mindless people like this wrecking their own towns, and thinking it's fun: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14458424

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Trudat. If they sunk the money wasted in the benefits system into building more manufacturing type places and create loads of manual labour jobs that are easy to do, but need a person to fill the space then the whole system might even make a profit.

The UK built an empire on the back of it's manufacturing industry, we can do it again. :P

I was never quite that bad off work wise. At 16 I got a job in a pub on £3.30 an hour, did that for 6 months then left to be web designer, where I start on £5 and within a few months was put up to £7.50 :P (17 by that point).

Oh and Matt, by your reckoning I've just realised, I must be in poverty right now! Can't afford clothes, very limited food budget and bills coming out of my ears. Still working full time though and trying to find freelance work to do outside of my job.

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create loads of manual labour jobs that are easy to do, but need a person to fill the space then the whole system might even make a profit.

Like clearing up from riots? Chain them all together and make them scour the streets!

(Slightly unrealistic, unfortunately)

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Indeed Sam it does suck, and much Kudos to your parents and yourself, many people don't realise how bad poverty can be out in the sticks as well as in inner cities, the fact of the matter is that rural people are more civilised and realistic than many city dwellers.

It is also easier to 'get by' in a rural area. There are very likely more people living in the area of Tottenham that first kicked off in a smaller area, than there are in most rural towns.

The VAST majority of contributors to this forum will be kids in relatively well off families whose parents bought them a bike for christmas/birthday/because they asked.

This does not happen for people in real poverty.

I lived in Walthamstow in a shared house with a teacher that taught in Tottenham and she was regularly in tears when she came home from seeing the deprivation, that in all likelihood, these very kids have grown up in. Kids that begged to stay in school after home time because they had f**k ALL to go home to.

The media (advertising and bling shows) really does not help this social divide or increase poor peoples felling of self worth or belonging to a society they are now attacking.

If this is purely a looting mayhem spree, how come it has not happened for so long?

What are the triggers then you clever people?

Clearly you must be privy to facts I am not aware of.

What are they?

Is anyone from these areas on this forum? If so what's the real story? I don't mean people that have moved there but rather people that have grown up there.

Anyone on this forum that is actually living in the poverty/deprivation/lack of opportunity currently.

What are your opinions?

So far all I hear are mainly armchair warriors spewing clichés and knee jerk reactions.

No one has come up with any kind of possible realistic solution to a clearly worrying problem.

Quoting my 'full of shit' signature is not original or clever, many people have done it now.

I am not full of shit, I have a wide range of life experience and a good understanding of how society and economy work.

I am also aware of how media works and for one to think that this massive outburst of anger is just because of one guy getting shot by the police would be naive.

This shit is spread over alot of the country to areas that have no connection to this dude and is a result of bubbling anger and frustration from many social factors including economy. The simple fact is that people with f**k all to loose are more likely to kick off.

It is very convenient to blame it solely on the death of one useless scumbag.

Anyway I am out.

I couldn't give a f**k if people think I am full of shit, I'm preparing for the socio-economic strife that is just around the corner it's up to you if you want to ignore it or pretend it isn't coming.

If I am wrong then the worst that happens is I have a big stash of usefull stuff and you get to have a laugh and think you are cleverer than me.

Edited by Matt Vandart
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its just an excuse for anyone and everyone to (if they want) be anti social, throw stuff, burn stuff and steal stuff because they have a big chance of getting away with it. If they did it on a normal day they would be arrested instantly, but as theres a mob of them its relatively safe. So they see others doing it and getting away with it, so they want in, its also a massive adrenaline rush and a completely different day to their normal lives. Unfortunately it seems to be the more hard off people doing it as in general they have less fear of police and dont fear consequences. I wouldn't do it, maybe because i think its wrong, maybe because im scared of being caught, maybe its because i have respect for other people. I dont quite know, but i wouldnt do anything like that. But there is a minority that will and have....they need no motivation, just an excuse to start, however unrelated.

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Trudat. If they sunk the money wasted in the benefits system into building more manufacturing type places and create loads of manual labour jobs that are easy to do, but need a person to fill the space then the whole system might even make a profit.

The UK built an empire on the back of it's manufacturing industry, we can do it again. :P

The problem is we cant because that industry is now dead thanks to lack of natural resources and lack of the very empire.

I was never quite that bad off work wise. At 16 I got a job in a pub on £3.30 an hour, did that for 6 months then left to be web designer, where I start on £5 and within a few months was put up to £7.50 :P (17 by that point).

Oh and Matt, by your reckoning I've just realised, I must be in poverty right now! Can't afford clothes, very limited food budget and bills coming out of my ears. Still working full time though and trying to find freelance work to do outside of my job.

You probably are Sam, compared to the REAL rich people probably pretty much everyone here is in some kind of financial strain.


Why? because I have an opinion different from yours, sorry I din't realise this was a lets all think the same and pat ourselves on the back forum.

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Also another thought (but probably wouldnt work) is if all those prosecuted were given community service to clear up the mess they made!

Like clearing up from riots? Chain them all together and make them scour the streets!

(Slightly unrealistic, unfortunately)

good idea that :P

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