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London Riots


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I believe the Kaiser chiefs have been predicting this for a while now...

Although these chavs are intimidating, scary, and wreaking havoc amongst the country, let us not forget they are still pathetic, simple and hilariously un-intelligent little apes:

http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/7.305798-Surprise-Authorities-Investigating-Looters-Swag-Pictures-On-Facebook :lol:

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If YOU think this has NOTHING to do with an energy crisis, then LOL

Firstly, I don't recall saying this has NOTHING to do with energy, so don't try and put words in my mouth.

Secondly, there's probably millions of things that contribute to this problem, my point was you can't say the energy crisis caused it. Ask the youths that are torching or looting places why they're doing it and I can guarantee there will be barely any, if any at all, that use the price of energy as an excuse.

In fact, from what I've heard people have just been saying because they wanted stuff they couldn't afford. They didn't mention a high gas bill or anything. There's stuff I can't afford, but that's not down to how much I pay for electricity.

Don't try and start a debate about something unrelated.

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Firstly, I don't recall saying this has NOTHING to do with energy, so don't try and put words in my mouth.

Secondly, there's probably millions of things that contribute to this problem, my point was you can't say the energy crisis caused it. Ask the youths that are torching or looting places why they're doing it and I can guarantee there will be barely any, if any at all, that use the price of energy as an excuse.

In fact, from what I've heard people have just been saying because they wanted stuff they couldn't afford. They didn't mention a high gas bill or anything. There's stuff I can't afford, but that's not down to how much I pay for electricity.

Don't try and start a debate about something unrelated.

Dont feed the trolls!

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What do you mean by this, just that they're inside? Or that they're on their way to making the building collapse? (This might seem stupid, but I dunno what they're capable of.)

Just inside the building at that point, but they'll have been in the shops by now.

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what are you wanting this to continue?

Sorry the picture didn't show up on my computer. :$

:P Yes I do want the anti-riot vigilantism to continue.

IMO, it is so widespread because the main perpetrators have never received any real consequences for their actions. At some stage in their lives, any consequence eventually delivered by police are invalidated as they are recognised authority figures who don't count for anything as they oppress them and their peers. If your everyday, average bloke starts kicking the shit out them, it might hit home that their social equals aren't impressed by their stupid, moronic actions.

Edited by ManxTrialSpaz
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Yeeaaaah boooyyy!

More of this if there is any!

That's what we f**king need!!!

It's one small minority of a community f**king up the large majority's stuff, if everyone came out and even just stood there tutting at them it'd be a massive show of force from the other side that might make them think twice. A hundred or so people versus a thousand, who's gonna win?

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The thing is, the "vigilantes" aren't just protecting their properties, or stopping them vandalising or looting. They're getting their own back for years of being f**ked over by these ^%$^%$. These f**kers have robbed from our country and treated it like shit for years, as soon as some start taking their own slice of revenge, everyone else will want a piece.

Edited by Krisboats
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