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Zhi Z3R Frame

Kieran Morrison

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Thought it might mean that :lol:

It wont affect my riding too much will it? then again my bike is 9kg justnow and this will add 500g so its 9.5, which is still pretty light!

But is the geo you told me the same frame as im talking about? (the z3r )

You should ask whoever it is you're planning on buying it from to measure it up for you :) And I personally don't think another 500g will hold back your riding at all.

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I didnt want to make a new topic so i thought i would just put it in this. Im stuck between these 2 frames:

Bionic B5ST


and the Zhi Z3R


Bionic pros- Nice geo, higher BB

Bionic cons- Looks ALOT like my echo's shape

Zhi Pros - Decent length, Same bb size as my Echo, Looks amazing

ZHI cons - Lower BB than Bionic

Im still waiting for the Proper Geo of the ZHI, but so far i know that the bb is around +55 and its 1005mm long

Bionic geo is +75 and 1005mm long

So, what one should I go for?

Edited by Kieran Morrison
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