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Sheckler annoys the shit out of me. I think the fame went to his head a little and then started concentrating on reality tv shows rather than skating. There's no reason he isn't miles ahead of everyone else.

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dunno but he's a fanny :rolleyes:

I went to southsea skateparks re-opening and he was there, some tiny kid on skates got hit by a bike and while everyone was like "owwww" he was straight down the ramp checking the kid was ok, wiped away his tears, reassured him, carryed him away made sure someone was looking after the poor kid then got back up the ramp and blew everyones minds, how you can call him a fanny without even meeting the kid is stupid, "because you dont like how he comes across in his videos" - grow up. Mark Webb is a sicko representing the UK.

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Maybe he's a compassionate fanny? Maybe he was kinda joking when he threatened that dude? He is a bit insane and very outgoing from what I've heard.

I don't judge people before I've met them, and to call him a fanny because your mate once had a problem with him is just childish IMO. Do you think you'd get an unbiased version of the story, or would you only get your mates side? Hmmmmmmm...

EDIT: Sorry, sounds a bit ragey. Just reminds me of the amount of hating that more natty/comp riders hate on TGS riders. I've actually had more fun on TGS rides in the past than natty ones, despite having carbon forks and half the knobbles sliced off my tyres. :P

Edited by Muel
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Maybe he's a compassionate fanny? Maybe he was kinda joking when he threatened that dude? He is a bit insane and very outgoing from what I've heard.

I don't judge people before I've met them, and to call him a fanny because your mate once had a problem with him is just childish IMO. Do you think you'd get an unbiased version of the story, or would you only get your mates side? Hmmmmmmm...

I heard the same story from a couple of sources, and saw some other 'evidence' I guess you could call it. The person Ali's talking about wasn't being 'biased' in any way. He definitely came across as a tool then, and he seems to in every video that he does, and in almost all the interviews he does too. He might be really nice, but if all the media you put out there portrays you as being a tool, people are going to assume you are one. He seems to be fairly notorious for having 'that' sort of attitude. He might be different in person though.

For the record, some pikey kid on a MTB who was riding Cantelowes bowl ate shit, knocked a tooth out and was crying and pretty shaken up. I helped him out, made sure he got help getting home with his tooth, etc. I'm still a total dick though.

Anyways, X-Games - bit disappointing that Daniel Dhers won the park setup when I don't think he really made the most of the course (which is part of the points-scoring criteria) and made everything look pretty gash. Dennis Enarson had lines for days in that setup and did some rad tricks too.

Street was sweet. Stayed up and watched that, was comedy seeing Garrett Reynold's 3rd run when he just stepped it up massively.

Vert was pretty boring to watch, but Jamie Bestwick is always good to watch. Boosted the shit out of everything, did some cool back-to-back stuff and generally earnt it. Was weird how the 'big trick' from the weekend was something Mat Hoffman did in 2002, though.

Here's some of the women's Endurocross.

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