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Because Simple - Simplified :)

Rich Pearson

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Last week I bought a Because Simple, having got bored of the high BB on the Zhi. It came extremely speedily from TartyBikes, and looked like this.


I built it up, and it looked like this.


I took it for one ride, decided I didn't like the color, I desperately needed some new rims, and that my dyslexic brain can't deal with snail cams. So it now looks like this.


And I love it.


Slight bit of creative thought required to fit the Rolhoff without a mech hanger, but it works :)


Adding the Rolhoff meant weight had to be shaved off in a few other areas. Like disc mounts.


Super glue is lighter than cable guides. Fact.


All in all, pretty darn chuffed. Not all the paint has come off but it's left the frame with a kind of rough industrial look that I'm quite fond of. The Heatsink pads on Rockman/TrialTech rims are working great.

Vid should be out by then end of the week hopefully :)


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Crazy mofo. Couple of tabs of sellotape is negligibly heavier, but no doubt better for any changes you might want/need to make?

Nice ride though! Couldn't get it much further in the dropouts if you wanted to :P

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Nice Rich, would have left it white and only you could find snail cams so confusing you put a rohloff on a bike with horizontal dropouts. at least there is no hanger to smash.

Hopefully you'll feel a little more comfortable on this one. Get yourself up to Devon soon!

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