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Tarty Days Video 2011


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  On 7/25/2011 at 8:54 PM, Revolver said:

Who's this guy on the silver frame with the green seat?

Seems like a surprise good street rider... I like surprise good street riders, we need more.

Thats Euan Beaden, rides an inspired now, for inspired if im correct? and for thinkbikes, so he's doin pretty well!

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Loved the vid good work :)

  On 7/26/2011 at 8:54 PM, TRA said:

cool stuff checking it out ! looks so much fun.

but hey, that song has been used on a video before, which is it ? sounds soo familiar,

Danny smith in morecambe? oooold video and a beast

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  On 7/26/2011 at 9:18 PM, Cap said:

Indeed they dont make videos like that anymore! Going to have to find that now im certain I have it on disc somewhere!

not bad my mate used the gamits - reset for a video of his videos 9 years ago and considering we rode 15kg bikes back pretty much same standard of riding proving shaving 5kg of weight doesnt do jack lol

< this is trials not that bmx spinning danny mac shite, not hating as much as it sounds that way i just hate what trials has become its more like bmx these days Edited by old'scoolfool
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  On 7/26/2011 at 9:56 PM, old said:

more like bmx these days

It's because trials is slow and repetitive. Adding some spins here and there on whatever bike it may be adds allot more fun. Ever wondered why people give up some easily?!

As for tunes, the first one was also used on the Demolition 02 video so thought it was safe to use it being a 9 year gap and all. The second i was unaware. Safe to say my previous choices of tunes have never been used before though. Least it's not some pop style dub bollocks people are using currently or whatever it is.

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I agree with nick there. Trials is what ever you make it, if you want to ride a trials bike and do side hops, gaps and taps then do it. At the same time, that can get boring, so we find ways and moves that make it more interesting for us, and the people watching it. Ever wondered why danny mac's videos have so many views? Because he combines his own style with the moves he likes, and a bit of the 'TGS' type of trials.

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