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London Session - Matt Purdon, Jason Dilworth And Sam Nichols

Sam Nichols

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Last line was sweet (Y) Before I arranged for Shrewsbury to come up here this weekend I was sort of planning on stealthing it down to London to ride with you guys. After wind stopping things yesterday and John's car dying today I sort of wish I'd come down, haha.

Looking forward to the 13th.

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Awesome job! That was really great. The backwards manuel to manuel to gap drop, and the very last line were my favourite I watched the last line over and over a bunch of times. Love watching you guys ride every line is original and unexpected. The only thing I have to complain about was the filming in that 1 clip where you hopped up that ledge. It was really hard to tell what was happening but what could you do looked like the lighting was just bad in that spot. Wish their were some 24 riders up here.

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The only thing I have to complain about was the filming in that 1 clip where you hopped up that ledge. It was really hard to tell what was happening but what could you do looked like the lighting was just bad in that spot.

Totally get what you're saying, I was pretty disappointed with those shots too based on the lighting, my camera just couldn't handle the light. All in all I think it's kinda obvious that I'm shooting on a 6 year old camera, the quality just isn't as good as what you get nowadays. It struggles with auto-focus throughout the video too.

I think eventually I'll have to invest in a newer camera, might have to sell my soul though!

Thanks for the the input though! Glad you like the riding.

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