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Joe Maher - Double Cheese Barrow Bacon Whopper

Joe Papasnap Maher

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Last week i was filming over barrow for a couple of hours on 2 seperate days, and somehow managed to get a 7 minute video out of the footage. There was even clips i had to ditch as the video was Too long!!

Anyways..im sure your all bored of barrow farm videos, so id like to say this will be the last one..for a while :)

P.s..music might get abit annoying to some people, but its an amazing uplifting song.

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I'm usually kind of indifferent with your barrow vids recently ('cos it's all you ever ride now :P ) but i really really really really really really really really really liked that and was smiling the whole way through it.

Major like! (Y)

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Dropgap to pallet maaaaate. :P

Cool video though Joe! Nice edit, some really nice shots (composition wise 'n' stuff), and just some generally awesome riding. Some really nice touches in there too, think it was around 4:44 you sort of do that alley-oop sidehop gap to backwheel on a pipe to gap off. Nothing major, but it's something you don't really see people do much. Sweet style throughout too. Halfpipe session was legit too!

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