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Euan Beaden - Think Bikes - Now Or Never

Joe Papasnap Maher

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Well done Euan, was some great riding there, especially for your age. You've got so many tricks dialled, such as the rear wheel rol back to forwards pedal and the 360 pivot/tailwhip. It was all really impressive.

However, I felt like I was watching a replica of Danny Macaskil. You've got some great skills Euan, just need to try and create your own style and I think you could make an epic video.

Overall though, well done on the video and the progression in the sport.

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Nicely done Euan. The thing I liked most about this video was it showed the fact you just don't seem to give up on a move. That was definitely seen at Tartydays with the move that basically tipped the balance to earn you that ride (Y)

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However, I felt like I was watching a replica of Danny Macaskil. You've got some great skills Euan, just need to try and create your own style and I think you could make an epic video.

I feel your being abit narrow minded there nick in my own opinion.

Yes he is doing, footjam whips and the 360 drops, but that doesnt mean, he is a replica. Thats tarring him with the same brush for doing the same moves.

If you see a video of someone like yourself, just doing sidehops and gaps..does that mean your a replica of Neil T??

Euan is still young and has time to refine his style, but he's doing something abit diffrent to the norm ( Or not so much now as everyone seems to have hopped on the 24 bandwagon )

And yes he does ride like macaskill..but is that a bad thing??

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I feel your being abit narrow minded there nick in my own opinion.

Yes he is doing, footjam whips and the 360 drops, but that doesnt mean, he is a replica. Thats tarring him with the same brush for doing the same moves.

If you see a video of someone like yourself, just doing sidehops and gaps..does that mean your a replica of Neil T??

Euan is still young and has time to refine his style, but he's doing something abit diffrent to the norm ( Or not so much now as everyone seems to have hopped on the 24 bandwagon )

And yes he does ride like macaskill..but is that a bad thing??

While I agree his style s very similar to Danny Mac, Euan will definitely develop a very unique and interesting style over time. I do think it is unfair that he gets accused of copying Danny. I ride brakeless, does that mean I am copying Mark Westlake or Sean Watson. If you meet Euan you will see as I have that he is one of the most eager riders I have met so far to want to push himself and see just how far he can take his riding, and surely that deserves merit in its own right?

Well done Euan, keep up the good work!


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I think that was a brilliant little video. Such impressive riding.

It's very easy to say...'mini-Danny mac' etc but if you really think about it, he's really nothing like that. Danny is one of my favourite riders as he rides fast and fluid, he is seamless and aggressive. These characteristic i wouldn't attribute to Euan. His riding comes across more methodical, slower paced and relaxed. Granted a lot of the moves are similar but they're executed very differently. With Euan you can really see the mechanics of the move and how the more difficult stuff is achieved - it's not over in a blur like a Danny Mac move.

This isn't a criticism of Euan as i love his riding, but it is really very different. It has quite a lazy style which i like where you can see he really reacts to how the bike is moving and nows just how to control it.

Similar moves yes, but entirely different styles.

Also if someone called me a Danny MacAskill replica - i'd be over the frickin' moon.

It's true what Joe says, if two riders both did similar sidehops you wouldn't necessarily compare them, it's just that so few riders are riding like this the natural (ignorant) reaction is to call Danny Mac.

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I feel your being abit narrow minded there nick in my own opinion.

Yes he is doing, footjam whips and the 360 drops, but that doesnt mean, he is a replica. Thats tarring him with the same brush for doing the same moves.

If you see a video of someone like yourself, just doing sidehops and gaps..does that mean your a replica of Neil T??

Euan is still young and has time to refine his style, but he's doing something abit diffrent to the norm ( Or not so much now as everyone seems to have hopped on the 24 bandwagon )

And yes he does ride like macaskill..but is that a bad thing??

I enjoyed his video a lot, it's very impressive how well he is riding for his age. I just think that his current style is similar to Danny's. Hopefully Euan will do his own thing and make it his own.

I don't feel this because he is doing the same tricks as Danny, It's just the vibe I get from watching the video.

With my riding I do the same as Neil with taps, gaps and sidehops, but I feel that you can see a difference between how Neil or any other rider attacks with the same technique.

Does that make sense?

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I enjoyed his video a lot, it's very impressive how well he is riding for his age. I just think that his current style is similar to Danny's. Hopefully Euan will do his own thing and make it his own.

I don't feel this because he is doing the same tricks as Danny, It's just the vibe I get from watching the video.

With my riding I do the same as Neil with taps, gaps and sidehops, but I feel that you can see a difference between how Neil or any other rider attacks with the same technique.

Does that make sense?

I'm not sure if I agree, but to me personally I can see similarities in his style to Ben Rowlands, particularly his 180 drop offs, the 180 down the stair set and his footjamtailwhip180endo thingys....but then again that's just my opinion :rolleyes:


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Christ - you do a G-Turn and everyone thinks you're trying to be Danny Mac :P Plenty of people doing those kinds of moves way before he was...

It's always a risk for any rider to seem like someone else, but he's young and hasn't had as many influences as the rest of us. Euan's progressing really well and I have every confidence in him :)

If anyone is interested - filmed on a Kodak ZX3. Not bad for an £80 point and shoot.

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Of course euan's riding will be similar to danny mac's, danny is his favorite rider and is the reason euan does street. Danny macaskill is euan's inspiration so a few moves are taken but he has his own style of doing lines, so he hasn't copied him.....

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