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How Does Stem Rise Affect You?


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On my 24" im currently running a 70*10 stem but was been offered a 70*35 stem cheap, was just wandering how this would affect how the bike rides? Its an onza zoot pro so its for street use.

Would I be right in saying it would offer a lil' more 'pop' to everything? And how will it affect spining and also rear wheel moves?

Thanks, any help appreciated

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I ride street as well, 24" 2010 fourplay

i put the 110mm on


now that its on, I cant use any thing smaller.. when doing back hops it would screw my posture up, id be too crouched which makes it harder work

having a bigger stem really helps for confort, and for manuels, makes it easier to lift that front wheel, id highly recomend it

some people say depends if you like it or not

I bought 2 at the same time.. 1 for my fourplay, and 1 for my mates 2011 onza zoot, even though his bike iz £440 new.. and mine new iz 1500, for back hops i still prephere his lol

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I ride street as well, 24" 2010 fourplay

i put the 110mm on


now that its on, I cant use any thing smaller.. when doing back hops it would screw my posture up, id be too crouched which makes it harder work

having a bigger stem really helps for confort, and for manuels, makes it easier to lift that front wheel, id highly recomend it

some people say depends if you like it or not

I bought 2 at the same time.. 1 for my fourplay, and 1 for my mates 2011 onza zoot, even though his bike iz £440 new.. and mine new iz 1500, for back hops i still prephere his lol

When I first built this bike up I had a 100mm stem then a 90mm stem and yes they were a little easier for back hops but I still find it very capable of back hopping at 70mm and it also makes spinning alot easier! So im going to keep it at ths length just thinking of changing the angle of the stem but im happy at 70mm, thanks anyway

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Longer stems make manualling in a straight line feel a little easier, but for carving into spins from a manual (or even carving into spins in general) they aren't that great.

I've got the 70 x 25 on at the moment and although it's not great as an out-and-out trialsy stem it's sweet for street.

Sick rhyme...

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