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Helicoil Help

Dec Whiteoak

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two weeks ago i stripped the threads out of the magura mounts,i did a quick fix by putting the next size up bolts in,5mm head ones,now i have bought a m5 helicoil kit im just waiting for it to be delivered and i was think will the coil still fit in since the hole is slightly bigger?


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two weeks ago i stripped the threads out of the magura mounts,i did a quick fix by putting the next size up bolts in,5mm head ones,now i have bought a m5 helicoil kit im just waiting for it to be delivered and i was think will the coil still fit in since the hole is slightly bigger?


So you put an m6 bolt in? How did you manage that? Did you tap it out to m6?

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is there any way that i could fill the whole and re drill it to correct size?

Why don't you just continue using m6 bolts since you tapped it to m6? Or even better, helicoil it to m6 and have less chance of stripping the threads again.

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i did this the other day and the drill for the M5 is a 5.2mm the tap is not M6x1.0 but M6x0.8

becouse the M5 has a pich of 0.8mm if tou strip threads you should helicoil it at the moment, I'm afraid u need to keep the M6

and DON'T put the helicoil in the M6hole you taped it wil fit but you wouldn't be abel to fit a boult in it

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Lol. Chill out...

You've made a mistake, live with it. No, filling the hole with weld and then tapping it out wont be a good option. File down the heads of the M6 bolts or buy some with smaller heads, rather than thinking of elaborate bodges.

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not really a bodge is it

and ive already bought the heli coil kit.

Filling a hole with weld and then tapping it out again, not a bodge? :giggle: Good luck - considering that you posted here looking for advice and then you're just deciding to ignore it, you'll need it.

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Alu frame.

Welding an alu frame makes it brittle. Don't do it unless you have to.

Chemical metal might work, but legend has it it's pretty hard, so you might not be able to drill or tap it.

So, looking at that, your option is - leave it at M6, find some way to put up with it.

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Alu frame.

Welding an alu frame makes it brittle. Don't do it unless you have to.

Chemical metal might work, but legend has it it's pretty hard, so you might not be able to drill or tap it.

So, looking at that, your option is - leave it at M6, find some way to put up with it.

ok thanks,but the chemical metal that i put the link up of says it can be drilled,tapped so im going to give this a go and see what happens,like you said it is pretty strong

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the best thing to do is just make an M6 bolt out of alu or steel and use loctite to make sure it will sit there for life saw of your homemade bolt and level it with the mount drill in the center of the bolt and tap it's the best alternative i could come up with, i hope you get wath i mean sorry for my english

thanks robin

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the best thing to do is just make an M6 bolt out of alu or steel and use loctite to make sure it will sit there for life saw of your homemade bolt and level it with the mount drill in the center of the bolt and tap it's the best alternative i could come up with, i hope you get wath i mean sorry for my english

thanks robin

cheers and yeah it makes sense thanks alot,might give that a go.

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