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Trials Biker On Americas Got Talent


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Exactly. I hate seeing bike dancing, people taking their front wheel out, etc. - I've heard people say countless times that it makes the 'show' better and that it's more dramatic, but good riding also has the same effect and actually shows riding, not some crap, half-hearted version reduced to some kind of circus side-show level.

I disagree. If demos are being done to school children then yes showing actual riding and teaching them basic bike skills is much better, but when it comes to demos for any other type of event, you are there as entertainment. Companies hire bike display teams because they can do things on a bike that are not your every day thing, but most of all, it's because it's entertaining, it will draw a crowd and be a great feature for an event.

End of the day demos are not about bike trials it's just pure entertainment to the general public. If people want to see bike trials at it's best then they would attend competitions.

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I disagree. If demos are being done to school children then yes showing actual riding and teaching them basic bike skills is much better, but when it comes to demos for any other type of event, you are there as entertainment. Companies hire bike display teams because they can do things on a bike that are not your every day thing, but most of all, it's because it's entertaining, it will draw a crowd and be a great feature for an event.

End of the day demos are not about bike trials it's just pure entertainment to the general public. If people want to see bike trials at it's best then they would attend competitions.

That's just one part of The Clan demos that I was refering to - they still have a demo routine that they do to show actual riding, and judging from people's reactions they're pretty entertaining.

Comps aren't really a great way of showcasing trials even for trials riders themselves, so I don't think it'd be 'bike trials at it's best' as such. That's a whole different story though ;)

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That's just one part of The Clan demos that I was refering to - they still have a demo routine that they do to show actual riding, and judging from people's reactions they're pretty entertaining.

Comps aren't really a great way of showcasing trials even for trials riders themselves, so I don't think it'd be 'bike trials at it's best' as such. That's a whole different story though ;)

True, but say like nationals and worlds, those sort of event's would be where you are most likely to see the point of the sport and the different levels of riders in the sport. Only other ways are on street rides. I do find bike trials a bit of a weird sport to watch, I can't really see it ever being a spectators sports. Not unless speed trials was brought back.

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Exactly. I hate seeing bike dancing, people taking their front wheel out, etc. - I've heard people say countless times that it makes the 'show' better and that it's more dramatic, but good riding also has the same effect and actually shows riding, not some crap, half-hearted version reduced to some kind of circus side-show level.

No, I agree with you. I remember dying slightly inside in that London video shot by Joel when Ali does a front wheel-less routine. I hate seeing it to.

In all honesty I couldn't care less about either side to this argument as really it's futile but what really annoys me is the attitude of Ali on here like he is the authority on all things trials. The whole "I approve" string of comments on things that are deemed 'ali c approved' I think is beyond arrogant. Then the recent topic by a new rider who was looking at potential mod bikes to start with, and the response is "might as well get a hex" oh really helpful.

I think inspired is such an awesome brand but I don't like seeing one of it's biggest riders have a cesar like approach to everything here, where normal, unworthy riders have to bid for approval. If were not waiting to see which way the thumb will turn there's the ominous grey cloud of misery shit bombing everything which i think is a strange approach for an employed professional rider who is the face of one of the best trials brands out there.

Trials should be inclusive of all riders no matter there specific discipline and of late there seems to be a very certain elitism which is doing absolutely nothing for the sport.

Granted there is a lot of dicks out there, but maybe you should be more intelligent in your thoughts and output if it's your job to make money from generating interest in trials and bike related activites.

Edited by Matthew62
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No, I agree with you. I remember dying slightly inside in that London video shot by Joel when Ali does a front wheel-less routine. I hate seeing it to.

I only have myself to blame. :rolleyes: Though I did forget to bring my barely clad dancers and blindfold, I kicked myself afterwards.

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Joe oakleys one was good, but all this guy did was float his front wheel over his face then he went away.

Joe's was better than Jeremy's, but still pretty basic plus Joe was doing it over his dad whereas Jeremy was doing it over the show's presenter which would carry a heavier price if he failed.

If you are going to hop over someone, the only times I think it looks ok is if you are doing a drop into it, or if it's really tech and fast, only a few people I have seen can pull off the hopping over someone move.

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Ali, just noticed you wrote a reply to one of my posts inside my own quote which I missed. The reason I posted that video up was to try and show you relativity speaking you are doing the same thing as what Jeremy is doing. Yes I know there's differences, you've made them clear. But at the end of the day, you're doing an ad, you got paid to promote a product. I feel you think the difference between him and you are vast, when they actually aren't at all.

Working with Victoria and being on BGT / AGT are two different things. And I didn't bring up the ad for any other reason other than to show that someone looking a different way at this could see you doing an add being much below being on a TV show.

You're right, you never said anything about his riding style, I misinterpreted that, it was in defense of you calling his riding sketchy, which I agree it may have been. But there's no cuts or retakes on stuff like this, and a hell of a lot of pressure.

I still, really don't see how this made trials look like a joke.

Yeah, it's funny when partially dyslexic people make mistakes isn't it?

I'd consider myself to be partially dyslexic. And I'm sure there's plenty of people who've had digs at me and people like Pete Wright's spelling possibly yourself included. But yeah I shouldn't be personally attacking someone in a discussion so I apologize.

I don't have any issue with people saying that they don't like the dancers and all that stuff they have on these shows, that isn't my concern, demographics and what type of people etc etc. I only have issues is when people say "I'd rather he never went on the show at all".

It's like me saying I wish the clan would never have existed because they show street trials and not technical comp riding. I mean they never use their pedals or bash or use dabs effectively. It's not real trials, even though that's what they're labeling it as, and they're going round polluting kids minds of what trials really is.

No, this is not my opinion, actually the very opposite, but that's comparable to what Ali is saying towards people like Jeremy.

I still haven't been convinced how anything bad could have come out of it for he community. Personally, 2 people have come up to me and talked about seeing trials on AGT and chatted out it with me, and that was just from the very limited riding I did last year. No one though what I was doing was a joke, people seemed genuinely interested, if all that's what Jeremy has done, sparking people's interest, then what's wrong with that?

Edited by JT!
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as I said, we just have different views.

Applying to go on a lousy talent show as a "get famous quick" plan with awful dancers, editing and riding = a shitty way to promote yourself and the sport.

Getting noticed for you're great riding by millions of people, being asked to to make edits for more "classy" programmes while still coming across as a really down to earth person (aka, Danny) = a great way to promote yourself and the sport.

the difference between my tv work and being on a talent show is I have always been asked to to do it, I have never done it to get known which is pretty much the only reason I can think of to go on BGT, and to me, that is not the reason to ride bikes.

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It's like me saying I wish the clan would never have existed because they show street trials and not technical comp riding. I mean they never use their pedals or bash or use dabs effectively. It's not real trials, even though that's what they're labeling it as, and they're going round polluting kids minds of what trials really is.


Edited by F.N.G
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