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Trials Biker On Americas Got Talent


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If those damned crate / boxes just had some rubber matting under 'em so they didn't slide it would have made a world of difference , surely he noticed they were loose during practice ( if any ) ? Is there any awareness of what trials is among the U.S general population ?It seems by all accounts a bike unfriendly country across all disciplines , let alone just general private use .

EDIT : Was it too much effort to clean that bike that will be filmed and broadcast under studio lighting in high definition - look at that dirty assed rear King hub . :huh:

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I kinda agree, I don't like it when people try to use shows like that just to improve their own lives and try to get famous quick. I have been asked to go on Britain's Got Talent but I have refused, the show is awful and the people who go on it are not much better.

Some of you may point out that I was on Sing If you Can. I agree that show was pretty dire, but it was for charity and non of the riders were in it purely to make a personal gain.

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I am not using a faceless trashy tv show to try and get famous quick.

Do you really think that Jeremy guy is a shrewd fame hungry celeb wannabe? Seems just like a fairly nice but plain/simple guy that might wanted to have raised awareness of trials in his country?

Granted, i say all this with an absolute hatred for these shows and they are all something i'd never wanted to be a part of, but your nazi like approach to something which let's face it isn't a million miles away from what you do is a bit tiresome.

I get it, you DON'T ride to become famous, but you DO ride to make money. Whether it's for a love of biking or whatever, plain and simply YOU ride for CASH. I don't think there's a problem with that, but condemning that harmless farmer boy for riding for intentions that you cannot guarantee is for fame only seems a bit stupid.

Again, i despise these shows (Sing if you....) also so i'd never want to associate with as i think they'll all bastardise trials and make it out to be a sport for clowns. Either way you're both prostituting yourself whatever the cause or intention.

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It's both amusing and annoying you would put an on-line advert with Victoria Pedelton in the same class as appearing on BGT.

Perhaps I am coming across a little aggressive in my wording. It just seems to me that people who go on BGT are on there for all the wrong reasons. Instead of pushing their riding to the next limits, or doing something new and interesting, they have decided to take the easy option instead. Now obviously this is just my view and no doubt I could be wrong but that's just how it comes across. I am not a fan of Jeremy at all, from his internet persona and TV appearance, he comes across like someone I wouldn't get on with at all.

I apologise if it comes across like I am saying I am better than them, I am not, but I just think I approach things in a different way.

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I found it both amusing and annoying you didn't spell her name right. Also, I never said I'd put the two in the same category.

To be clear, I have no problem with whatever any trials rider does with their skill, and if more adverts that have trials riders in the better. I just find it totally hypercritical how you, someone who rides trials for a living can complain about how another rider takes a step in an attempt to become a professional trials rider too. I could just as easy call you out for doing an advert for a product you probably never consume or recommend anyway.

AGT was seen my millions of people, that's millions of people who didn't know what trials was now knowing what trials is. That's a big deal for the trials scene in the USA which is a lot less substantial over here than it is in the UK. I'd love to know how many of those millions thought 'his riding was a little sketchy' or 'I don't like this riding style'.

How in your right mind would you have preferred him not to be on the show at all? How has he done anything bad for the trials community / scene?

And about his personality, it's what carried him so far through the competition, he was extremely humble and pleasant he wouldn't have got as far as he did.

Edited by JT!
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I found it both amusing and annoying you didn't spell her name right. Also, I never said I'd put the two in the same category.

cool, got two letters the wrong way round, apologies, also the way you posted that video implied that, pretty sure you wouldn't have put it up otherwise.

To be clear, I have no problem with whatever any trials rider does with their skill, and if more adverts that have trials riders in the better. I just find it totally hypercritical how you, someone who rides trials for a living can complain about how another rider takes a step in an attempt to become a professional trials rider too. I could just as easy call you out for doing an advert for a product you probably never consume or recommend anyway.

Jeremy (and Joe) both ride demos anyway, so I doubt going on the show was to take that step. You can call me out if you want, but I would like to think even you could tell the difference between working with such an iconic figure as Victoria rather than appearing on BGT

AGT was seen my millions of people, that's millions of people who didn't know what trials was now knowing what trials is. That's a big deal for the trials scene in the USA which is a lot less substantial over here than it is in the UK. I'd love to know how many of those millions thought 'his riding was a little sketchy' or 'I don't like this riding style'.

I never said "I don't like this riding style", not sure where you got that idea from. I would much rather trials wasn't on that show at all, or if it was on that show, it would need to be the best dam riding I had ever seen rather than someone falling off and being sketchy. Again it probably sounds like I am being a b*****d, but I think that we just think in different ways.

How in your right mind would you have preferred him not to be on the show at all? How has he done anything bad for the trials community / scene?

Making it look like a joke?

And about his personality, it's what carried him so far through the competition, he was extremely humble and pleasant he wouldn't have got as far as he did.

As I said, from his internet and tv activity, he comes across as a very strange person, he reminds me very much of Lloyd Christmas from Dumb and Dumber.

It's obvious you have made up your mind and that's fine, just because we ride bikes doesn't mean we have to agree about everything.

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I'll admit when I'm wrong, and you can probably pull up any topic where I've been wrong and see that. But if I don't agree with something I'm going to discuss it as long as the other person is willing. And note in this case it's not just me who's said something.

When something like this is said...

I would much rather that wasn't on TV at all.

...I have to call that person out on it. Especially when that someone is integrated into the trials scene 10 times as much as myself it just saddens me to read comments like that.

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All I am saying is, if you know you are going on TV to try and make yourself and the sport look good, a talent show is not the place.

Just to confirm a little, you are perfectly happy with this on tv? The "fake" drama, dancers, even the editing? The fact he can't do some pretty basic stuff?


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Just to confirm a little, you are perfectly happy with this on tv? The "fake" drama, dancers, even the editing? The fact he can't do some pretty basic stuff?


Him making a couple of mistakes hasn't really anything to do with it. I know what an amazing rider he is, I helped set up the Elite section at a comp he came to, it was f**king difficult. He ended the comp with a score of 3. I guess you can put it down to nerves.

But to answer your question, yes, absolutely. I think the problem is you're looking at it from within the community, and how people are going to 'see' trials. I think it's more important just to make people aware of a sport that isn't even known. Any press is good press etc etc.

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I have seen these disagreements before in other sports I have been involved with. To my mind is up to the individual and there conscience. I don't like a sport degraded by sensationalism which I think these shows do. But certainly to make a living doing something you love is great if you can do it. Make money if you can but depict the sport as something good and something that deserves a place amongst other sports which get more financial backing and coverage.

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I get it, you DON'T ride to become famous, but you DO ride to make money. Whether it's for a love of biking or whatever, plain and simply YOU ride for CASH. I don't think there's a problem with that, but condemning that harmless farmer boy for riding for intentions that you cannot guarantee is for fame only seems a bit stupid.

Again, i despise these shows (Sing if you....) also so i'd never want to associate with as i think they'll all bastardise trials and make it out to be a sport for clowns. Either way you're both prostituting yourself whatever the cause or intention.

As Ali said before, Sing If You Can was done as a charity thing that wasn't supposed to 'raise the profile of trials' as such, it was just a booking that The Clan demo team got. I'd say therefore that the motives for the two were fairly different, and also how the riding came across was a lot different.

I found it both amusing and annoying you didn't spell her name right.

Yeah, it's funny when partially dyslexic people make mistakes isn't it?

AGT was seen my millions of people, that's millions of people who didn't know what trials was now knowing what trials is. That's a big deal for the trials scene in the USA which is a lot less substantial over here than it is in the UK. I'd love to know how many of those millions thought 'his riding was a little sketchy' or 'I don't like this riding style'.

We actually watched this when it was on TV again here, and it was f**king awful. Much like X-Factor, Britain's Got Talent and every other show like that, it was f**king shite TV made to appeal to retards. Have you checked out the audience demographics of AGT? The information's all out there if you go looking, but basically, there's virtually f**k all of that demographic who are going to go out and buy a trials bike after seeing it. The whole way those shows works just propels people into the spotlight to be forgotten again almost instantly. As a result, it's basically a bunch of 18-49 females who are going to have viewed that, and even then it's a relatively low percentage of all the actual people in that age group who actually watched it. How many of them do you think are going to remember that long-term, or even really care much about it? Ali's main form of income is doing demos with The Clan which usually revolve around riding in schools, letting kids have a go on their 'Ride Along' bikes, teaching them maintenance skills, etc. So - that's key skills being delivered to the key audience for it. Having seen one, I'd also say The Clan shows portray riding in a lot more credible light than any talent show crap. So yeah, although both of them are riding for money, the actual way they earn their money differs greatly, and the effects they'll have differ greatly. A cook at a McDonalds is earning money in the catering industry, so does a head chef at a Michelin star restaurant. They're both earning money in the same field, but they're both doing it in different ways and leaving people with different impressions of their chosen industry.

I've gotta agree with Ali, the show looks cheap and just makes "stunt bike riders" look like a bit of a joke.

It doesn't promote the sport at all, just brings it down to the same level as people that own dogs that can walk on two legs.

Exactly. I hate seeing bike dancing, people taking their front wheel out, etc. - I've heard people say countless times that it makes the 'show' better and that it's more dramatic, but good riding also has the same effect and actually shows riding, not some crap, half-hearted version reduced to some kind of circus side-show level.

But to answer your question, yes, absolutely. I think the problem is you're looking at it from within the community, and how people are going to 'see' trials. I think it's more important just to make people aware of a sport that isn't even known. Any press is good press etc etc.

That whole 'any press is good press' thing is a load of absolute shit, as proven many, many times by companies using 'annoying' advertising methods to try and make some kind of viral video to try and 'get people talking'. A lot of people talk about the Go Compare adverts because of how criminally shit they are, but that doesn't mean any of those people are going to go out and use Go Compare.

Ali looking at it from the inside isn't a 'problem' - if you let people outside of trials try and dictate how it looks to people outside it, it's going to be shit. That's why every video I've seen filmed, edited and produced by a non-rider has generally been pretty terrible, whereas when you look at edits by people who ride you can see the differences in terms of angles, editing, etc.

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