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Malcolm Smith First Race

malcolm smith

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Because of some of you guys kind words I thought you might like to see Malcolms first MX race.


Well, It has been a long time coming. I thought it would never happen.

I want to Think so many of you for your kind words and encouragement over the last few years. It meant a lot. We still have tons to learn and much improvement to make. We will keep working.

This race was Malcolm's first time on a gate and first start. It was really his first time riding a track that had more than his friends. After the first race his bike would not start. Jerry Mattox and Bo Miller helped feverishly trying to get it going (turned out the coil was gone). Just before the second moto Jerry grabbed Riders Nationally prepped Barrs bike and said "let Malcolm ride this". We put Malcolm's plate on the bike and rolled it to the start. The bike is totally different to Malcolm's. The handle bars are much wider, the suspension way stiffer and much more motor.

Malcolm was very tentative the first lap but quickly got used to the bike (thank goodness for riding the King as much as he does)

We learned a lot. We have tons more to learn. We will try to do better. We hope o race at Muddy Creek on Sun.

My wife Grace and Malcolm's grandfather did the suspension for Malcolm's bike under the guidance of Chris at PR2. I think they did well. It is supposedly a very similar set up to what Adam C had when at Malcolm's size. Malcolm weighs 35 Lbs. The suspension is oh so sweet. We got it set up the day before the race.

A Note The first race was the 3rd race of the morning. As you can see it was very very wet and slick. The start straight had a 40 ft section of 8 inches of muck.


Steve and Malcolm

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