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Half Link Chain Question


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Hey guys!!

So I got my single speed conversion done today and when I got the bike home, someone told me over facebook that my new half link chain was on backwards.. (Yeah.. I'm a fool I know!! Donkey ears are on as we speak!!) Now my question is, will it cause any damage to the chain itself, the tensioner or any of the cogs? I dont really want to ride it any more for fear I might break somthing!! I'm lending a chain splitter on thursday so I can correct it but untill then, is it safe/okay to ride??

Thanks in advance!!


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should be alright i rode with my chain upside down for a few weeks and it was the same but it wast a halflink

but it should be ok until you change it also would you be able to put some pictures up ? my friend has the same bike and is going to singlespeed so it could help him see what it looks like :)

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okay thanks for the help!! I'm just worried in case i wreck all my brand new gear!! :S

And yeah heres some pictures of what mine looks like now!! :) Hope this helps!!



EDIT: Sorry if they're a bit big but you can just save them and look at them in a reduced size on your computer :)



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Oh really Rockman?? What makes you say that?? Curious thats all!! Before I got it, all I heard was praise for them.. And now I have one, all I seem to find is that they're bad news!! :S What makes them so bad??

And yeah jacksnell95, it is the standard hub atm but I hope to change it in the future!! (When I get the money that is!! :P)

Cheers guys


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to be honest, I'm alright with my hubs as they are for the minute!! I'm only just learning the basics at the moment (rear wheel hopping, balancing properly etc) but I've had no problems with them so far!! I've only had it just over a month and I've had more than enough trouble with other things on it so im hoping after this, i'll have no more issues!! Touch wood that is!! :D

And well thanks Rockman for your warning bout them!! I'll definatly keep an eye on it in the future but like I say, I'm no expert yet so I think it should hold out for now!! :D

Thanks again guys


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The inherent weakness in half link chains is that the crease in them tries to straighten out under tension, this work hardens the material and causes failure. In a conventional chain, all the tension is put through a flat plate which has no built in stress raisers. I cant see there being any problems with running the chain either way round.

As you said it will more than likely do you fine as youre only beginning and not likely to be putting massive stress through the drivetrain. When you start learning to kick hard you should proabably change it to a Z610HX :)

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im Jacksnell95's friend and thanks for the pics its handy. i heard that you couldnt use a single cog tensioner with mad phases but this has proved that wrong. also i see youve gone for an 18 tooth sprocket on the rear. is it a good ratio because i thought that would be best when i was looking. one last thing about your chain, ive just read a topic about someone who snapped their chain and a few people reccommended this. its not a bad price so i will be buying it soon i think.

EDIT: do your grips hurt your hands? my hands were too big for them and they cut my hands after 2 hours of riding so ive now got rockman foams and theyre so nice to use.

Edited by BurlyBox
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i hate to burst your bubble but that rim looks honk. the wheel may be better as a whole spec wise but pink and blue? also i think all of us on this post have bikes already and the majority of us have mad phases...

haha yer no worrys dude im not saying buy it because i already have someone to buy it.... I love the pink rim

Whats the spec of your phase then mate ??

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haha yer no worrys dude im not saying buy it because i already have someone to buy it.... I love the pink rim

Whats the spec of your phase then mate ??

its a MAD Phase 1.2 which has all original parts except the grips which are rockman foams but hopefully next week i will get my tensioner and single speed kit and im gonna get the 4 jeri tensioner like the one in the pic above and the single speed kit is off superstar components and then im gonna get a hope evo pro II free hub before i kill myself from lack of engagement points :P

EDIT: oh and it also has high roller front and rear tyres, and HS33's

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Nice mate im not hear to critisise anyone, and anyway i dont ride this anymore so. But mate your 1.2 sounds alright and a hope will be sweet are you upgradeing the rim or just rebuilding it?

And also I think ripping your dick off because you dont like a bike is abit to far mate. Plus it would hurt like hell.

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