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Hey guys,

So y'know this kid called Ryan Cleary in Essex who got arrested for hacking and such? Anyhow he was part of a group called Lulzsec, now. I did some research on them, and found out what they have done and what they can do and I was simply mind blown from the things they have done... These guys are serious, incredibly smart. Here is their website: Lulzsec Security.

Go ahead and read a bit about them see what they say and stuff, also have a good look on the 'releases' page. Thats where the gold is. I would just like to show you all what I group of men who know their stuff can do. (Sorry if my information is wrong, I'm not trying to be smart, just showing the real stuff)

Anyhow if what I said is wrong sorry, but yeah.

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The scary thing is - they didn't do anything complicated in their released hacks - all pretty basic stuff apparently that anyone can download the tools for. That's the scary part.

Anyways, their twitter feed was an interesting read too.

Yeah I know but hacking sont must have been something! Gotta been alot people after them!

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Yeah, they've had their IDs splattered across the internet. It certainly appears that they were a bunch of amateurs which makes the whole thing a bit unnerving, that they got so much info.

Lol, that's a major fail there :lol:

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Lulsec isn't scary, they were a bunch of amateurs.

This is scary: Stuxnet

Agreed. Stuxnet was pure genius. I used to be exposed to certain groups in my teenage years and found that most people with any real skill kept to themselves and certainly wouldn't advertise like LuzSec are.

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to be fair advertising themselves and getting caught = epic fail :L

and i tried to learn to hack, i got as far as finding the admin login page for some sites then gave up as i couldn't actually find what the login was :/

so i just play about with key loggers as there nice and simple to use is amazing and disturbing what some of my friends talk about on Facebook and msn :L

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to be fair advertising themselves and getting caught = epic fail :L

and i tried to learn to hack, i got as far as finding the admin login page for some sites then gave up as i couldn't actually find what the login was :/

so i just play about with key loggers as there nice and simple to use is amazing and disturbing what some of my friends talk about on Facebook and msn :L

I'm well getting you done.

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Yeeah them getting caught is a big fail :L

Aye basically they go into websites and companys and steel their databases and information etc and then post it on the interent. I must admit, that Ryan kid stayed in his house since christmas! and threatened to slit his rists if his mum turned of the interent :S That boy needs to get a trials bike!!!! I have not seen struxnet, will give it a look!

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After reading the last page I still have no idea what this is about.

Is it some spotty wimpy teenagers playing god almighty on their computers?

edit: about stuxnet posted earlier - there's a talk on TED about it:

Edited by Greetings
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