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Gu Logo


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Hi guys.

I'm in need on the GU logo as I'm making some vinyls for my bike but i need a jpeg image of the horizontal logo, not the vertical stacked one thats on the headtube.

If anyone can get a decent image it would be much appreciated.

Many thanks.

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If you're cutting or making vinyl then a jpeg is no use to you as it's rasterized. You need it in a vectored form which i doubt anyone on here would have access to. Perhaps dealers would but i doubt they'd pass it on.

Best bet is to re-draw it as a vector as best you can.

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I managed to do these a while back when i nabbed the leeson logo off the internet and they turned out fine :)

And the logo's are sometimess a bit pixilised but you can just easily edit them by eye yeah :)


iv'e done gu ones before but iv'e lost the file and i just need the image :\

Edited by mrBENN
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not the best kvality but my phone can´t take better photo. If this is not good qualitty I can use camera for photo if you want..

EDIT: ohh I forgot to upload picture and I delete it from Pc :D so well I will upload second one evening hopefully (sorry for complications) :D

Edited by AndrewG
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messed about with the frame on tarty straightened it out best i could for the 30seconds i messed with it, think i sharpened it a tad too much somewhere to start though

messed about with the frame on tarty straightened it out best i could for the 30seconds i messed with it, think i sharpened it a tad too much somewhere to start though


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Thing is the original image i had was straight from the GU website so it was pretty good :\

Just done a quick tester from the images I've been given and this is what I've produced. It's about 10cm wide just so i could see any imperfections and where the improvements need to be made so it was done just bye eye to eye adjustment really.

Didn't turn out so bad to be honest :)


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Thing is the original image i had was straight from the GU website so it was pretty good :\

Just done a quick tester from the images I've been given and this is what I've produced. It's about 10cm wide just so i could see any imperfections and where the improvements need to be made so it was done just bye eye to eye adjustment really.

Didn't turn out so bad to be honest :)


you nailed the U, G looks a bit off but so what lol

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