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Considering A (Re)Start.

Rich J

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Yeah so basically, even though I have been on here for nearly 6 years, my trials section of riding was all of about 2 months, nearly 6 years ago. I have always been interested in the scene but never really got round to properly getting into it. I have riden MTB/BMX street and park for aslong as I can remember really but stopped at the end of last year due to cash problems and sold up. After Saturday at Clean, I've kinda grown on the idea of getting into trials, in the streety brakeless form, following on from what I used to ride, adding the trials element to it.

Basically, do you think it would be sensible to just jump straight in to it, or work on proper trials first then move on? Any one just gone for it?

Wow this makes me sound new! But yeah any advice would be sound.

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After Saturday at Clean, I've kinda grown on the idea of getting into trials, in the streety brakeless form, following on from what I used to ride, adding the trials element to it.

Winner! Do it. If that's the style you want to do, there's not really much point killing time by doing 'proper' trials first - just go for it. The whole point about it is that it's fun and you can just do whatever you want to do, so there's no set route into it or anything.

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