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Why Is It Usually Younger People That Ride Mods?


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Last time i had a go on a mod it was an onza comp. If i stood up straight the handlebars didn't clear my knees. When you get older and have been riding longer mods tend to begin to limit you. Moving to stock bikes is just an advancement of your riding as things that would need to be negotiated on a mod can just be rolled over on a stock.

On a serious note on this thread, Krisboats has it pretty much spot on.

As a 'Little rider' i have a mod and i just find it so much easyer than a stock. Because its smaller, weight distribution that you can control is easyer. For example: on a mod manueling, i can get my arse right over the rear wheel but on a stock the reach is longer and my arms are short so i cant put my arse over the wheel as far.

Hope this made sense ;)

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Nothing to do with age, it's weight/height/strength that matter.

I used to ride mod, but I weighed about 11 stone, by the time I got up to 13.5 stone I needed to change though, so I did. Then I quit because I got bored of bouncing.

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its probably because back when us older guys started riding mod bikes wer quite difficult to get hold of so we started riding stock cos it was convenient for us. a lot of mountian bike manufactureres made trials frames back then so we could get hold of them quite easy. now its just as easy to get both with tartys being massive so younger riders tend to go mod cos there a bit easier to learn on. hope that helps :)


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