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Gimme The Bike...


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Ive trawled through a fair bit of the FAQ and such, so sorry ive missed the answers to my questions.

I got a bit nostalgic after seeing the guy on Britains Got Talent, was watching some youtube video's and found this guy 50 years old and having a go at learning trials Fully inspired i decided it was time to get another bike.

20 vs 26, coming from a MTB background 26" seems to be whats suggested, but not having a bike on its back wheel for nearly 12 years would it be more sensible to start from scratch and get myself a 20"? furthermore I like the idea of a comp style of riding, but the majority of my local spots will be more street....

Stock or mod, I can probably scrape about £300 together for the bike, and for my money it seems that there are some nice second hand deals on Ebay and the like, but would i find it easier to get myself back in the saddle by buying brand new stock bike and beating it up myself?

These things taken into account, any suggestions on a bike? Im not worried about looking cool as for the next 12 months ill be spending more time on the floor than on the bike, just for aslong as in your opinion it answers the questions above and can handle a battering im all ears.


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hey man, i think you should go for a mod, personally im from a downhill background and i ride a 24 but mods are great. i just built one and will be on that pretty soon.

they feel way more compy to me. plus you can pick up a good t-pro for £200ish then £100 for upgrades? ;)

or if your a fast learner you could go for something at the top end of your budget which will be a bit lighter.

the only reason i have said nothing about 26" bikes is that i have absoloutly no idea about them, never ridden one. a 24" echo lite is good compy bike though.

hope this helps.

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The best thing I can suggest is either keep an eye out or ask on here when anyone's riding in your area, go out and ask if you can have a quick go of some lads bikes.

That way you'll get the feel of the bike rather than blowing £300 on a mod to find it really isn't for you (and believe me it can happen!).

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I would go with a stock particularily if you are coming from a MTB background (get practicing on your MTB now). I've only been on a MOD once for about 5 minutes and didn't like it so can't really advise on them. Mines a Mad Phase 1.2 (the red one). I almost immediatly ugraded to a single speed kit after mashing the derailluer. Also changed front tire to something wider, changed the stem and put on a booster on the rear brake. You can upgrade as you get more experience and things wear out / you think you need it.

I am starting to find the Phase a bit limited but for me was a great starter bike and not a huge investment. If your practical minded you can pick up everything you need on the forum and build up you own bike.

Aussie Bob is one of my heros (your link). I have been judging my progress against his and using some of his set ups in my garden. I can even relate to the episode where he talks about his first competition (i'm 41 and regularily come in last in the novice division). It would be good to see some other old geezers out there to compete against, perhaps a masters division is needed.

Edited by trev
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I have rode MTB for years then decided I wanted to get into trials. I went for a mod as it seemed I can get more for my money and I didn't want to spen much anyway so went second hand and bought an Onza Blade. First hour or so on it felt so weird, I couldn't even trackstand which I could easily on a MTB. Since then I'm used to it now and can only hop about on the back wheel learning pedal kicks and stuff but I've not had it a month yet but I've improved loads and I'm better on my MTB now. When I can afford it I want a 26" but I may be looking toward a hex or something as street appeals to me more. But I love my mod to learn and see if I like it :)

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