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Xpedo Suspension Pedal


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Not convinced that would do anything at all... Most of your weight should be centred over the axle and that is still rigid. If your foot is flexing round the axle then you will be putting pressure on both the front and rear of the pedal body and due to the scissor type design that would virtually negate any 'suspension' effect as well wouldn't it? Combined with those square extrusions which look like they limit 'travel' to a few mm, it just all seems wrong!

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NOt to sure these will work to well, even to take the shock/ bumps/ vibration out of the ride. what stops them just being at 'full' travel when you stand on them and during your pedal stroke these will change the height of the pedal - all be it 5 mm but this will still feel like a bent bb/ pedal axles.

Thay atre pretty though :P

Edited by mr kenny
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They probably just provide a noticeable cushioning effect that you can feel from the bump/vibration forces travelling through the pedal axle to your feet and legs, rather than behave like an active coil/air shock suspension. So ideal when riding along a cobbled path or road which make your feet dance about on the pedals.

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