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Pedal Up To Rear. Help?


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been practicing pedal ups to rear lately. ive only been riding trials 6 months max, but i can pedal up on a wall thats a maximum of 2 feet.

to get higher do i have to learn taps? any suggestions? theres a wall about 3 feet high i want to be able to get on but no chance at the moment.

i may be able to get a vid of me doing it soon if i need to.

cheers for any input

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I'd say it's better to learn a high pedal up before taps first. I think the main things to keep in mind are:

- kicking harder on the pedals

- lifting more, so it's crotch to stem at one point when you lift

- more tucking in, weight over the back when you land

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how high should I be able to pedal up before i start taps? rough idea?

because i feel pretty maxed out at 2.5 feet-ish.

i haven't yet done any high speed pedal ups but i am moving at the wall at a comfortable pace before i do the pedal up.

is it a case of just make everything faster?

cheers for the quick reply though man.

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i screw 4-5 pallets together then practice on that, when it gets easy, add another. im on 5 at the moment and have been there for a while. so im gonna start taps soon too.

i can only pedal up, up 3 pallets but recently i've been setting four pallets up with a pallet against it slightly tilted like a ramp and learning taps on it it helps lots try it.

how do you mean? wouldnt the leaning pallet be in the way? any chance of an example on paint lol?

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I've lost all my half pedal technique. Used to be able to tap stuff when I rode years ago but now I can't do it at all, even on something small and my half pedal can only get up stuff about 2-2½ feet high and most of the time then I end up wobbling backwards off.

I can go straight to rear up about 7 pallets with ease though which really annoys me as half pedalling it would use so much less energy, why I spend most of the time absolutely knackered and pouring with sweat!

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i screw 4-5 pallets together then practice on that, when it gets easy, add another. im on 5 at the moment and have been there for a while. so im gonna start taps soon too.

how do you mean? wouldnt the leaning pallet be in the way? any chance of an example on paint lol?

Crappy drawing but here


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