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Backhopping Advice

Scott Gibbs

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Hello all, im having trouble with learning to backhop i've learned the 'get onto the back wheel from the endo' tecnique and can find my balance point but im struggling to put that and the hop together any advice would help me out no end. Thanks in advance for any tips.

Edited by bender b rodreguez
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If you're using the endoing method, on the rock back your momentum is moving backwards. As you start to reach your balance point generate a little upwards momentum by flexing your calves and moving your body upwards a bit, exaggerate this if you must. If all goes well your rear wheel should leave the ground, most likely causing you and the bike to hop backwards. If you can get one hop, you should be on your way to more.

Keep in mind that when using the endo method you might find the cranks not in a great position for hopping, so either correct this whilst still on two wheels or learn to pedal forward a bit on the up hop to level the pedals out.

Edited by bip
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Cheers man i'll go and try that when it stops Raining :(

I have awall about 2 foot thats perfect to get the wheel on then you can get settled then start hopping more easily, without the pedal problem and without all the problems rocking can cause, get more learning time really, picnic benches or outdoor seatings all good for it too

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I've been practising, just with the endo then rock backwards method. For days and days I could only get about 3 sometimes 5 hops, now my record is 23 but not so much precision just bouncing about trying to balance lol. Want to try and throw some pedal kicks in soon I think but I really need some better pads (on magura blacks ATM :| anyone recommend anything for a smooth rim?).

Does anyone have any tips for starting with a pedal kick rather than endo then jump back? I've tried it and can't seem to get it.

My advice to anyone still trying to get it is practice, took me ages and ages but once you learn where the balance is and what to do when you go too far either way it comes into one. I was doing big hops now I take a little more time with smaller ones and it works much better.

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Ive got magura yellows on atm, with hs 33 about to bleed with water/ cutting fluid see if that can improve hold, mines on a really old grind that i bought it with, so i might have to renew that but the hold has improved purely by putting the yellows on i dont know if theres a softer one but i like them,

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