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The Dreaded Confidence Barrier!


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Hi all,

Was just wondering last night how amazing someones riding can progress by breaking the confidence barrier to actually go for something.

Would be interested to find out how any of you managed to get past the barrier and how much your riding has improved as a result :D

I managed to get my technique right and broke the confidence barrier last night and further so today, achieving 41" up to back wheel and then 45" today :)

Please post how you have progressed once breaking this barrier that seems to loom over you forever haha.


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Hi all,

Was just wondering last night how amazing someones riding can progress by breaking the confidence barrier to actually go for something.

Would be interested to find out how any of you managed to get past the barrier and how much your riding has improved as a result :D

I managed to get my technique right and broke the confidence barrier last night and further so today, achieving 41" up to back wheel and then 45" today :)

Please post how you have progressed once breaking this barrier that seems to loom over you forever haha.


I've never had a 'Confidence Barrier', I just improve on what I can already do. And with new moves, just start off small and work my way up.

Edited by Luke Dunstan
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i normally just drink 3 cans of redbull and get my mate to reassure me by saying "man up" it usually works to be honest.

if that fails... make a kung-fu noise whilst performing the move ;) scientifically proven to help.

but on a serious note...

i do the same as above, start out small and build up.

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I still get scared of drops and tapping stuff (i know, i'm a pussy)

But as a general rule, i'll have a half arsed "this is the worst case scenario" go at it or just ride at things faster if i can't get my head round it. Staring the f**ker down at 20mph is for winners.

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I always built up and up, as above :)

What I can't get my head around is people who suffer big injuries and then carry on going big after that! I went over the bars and knocked my teeth out trying to tap for the first time and I just never had any confidence to do anything ever again after that... :(

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Without sounding cocky, ive never had a problem with confodence. Got my self a motto to motivate me - if you fall, you'll learn from your mistakes.

Works for me, falling just tells me wat i did wring, and i just jump back up and do it Again.

If you dont try it, youll never know if you can do it. The thing i hate is " but i cant do it". None of us could do anything when we started, so we tryed things, kept practising and gradually got better. If you keep going for it youll get there

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I find pallets make me try more because they're made of wood and dont bugger the bike and you can easily change the hight,

practising serge's is good because you can start with a sort of slant and sidehops you can leave a ledge by slidding the top

pallet 2" across that builds my confidence up but now i can do it i'm affraid to put a pallet on top of what i can do now but that hopefully will happen one day :)

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I looped out on a dropgap a few months back and broke a few ribs. I seem to have lost all confidence now when trying them but i'm finding more and more that i'm just going for it. Which is good, as most of the time i can do whatever it is i'm trying, it's just my mind holding me back.

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