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Anyone That Is Into Street Trial Bikes?


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Hello guys,

My name is Dante im 18 years old and live in The Netherlands.

I have been reading alot stuff about trial biking for the past few weeks and have been watching multiple movies/tutorials.

Eventually i decided that i really like this sport and wanna go ride trials my self.

I decided that i wanna go ride in and around the city i live in and i think a 24" bike would suit me best.

Ofc i watched some movies including the ones of Danny Macaskill and thanks to his movies i went and check the inspired bicycles site out.

But then i saw that those bikes are like all 1090 euro's or more....

Its not like i dont wanna spend so much money on something i love to do, but since i never did anything close to trialbiking and i dont know anyone that does i think its alot of money for a starter.

That's why i was wondering if there were any alternatives to the inspired line that arent so expensive and still are 24" and suited to the streets.

I hope you guys have some suggestions for me for another bike. Also would be great if you guys can tell me some points i should focus on when buying a bike.

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  BurlyBox said:

...when you get a bike post on the member organised rides and say your area and arrange to meet up with people...

I can tell you from bitter personal experience that just by choosing to ride trials in Holland , this fella now bring the total number of riders here to a whopping 30-35 ish .

Mr.Dante , as I suggested on the (laughably underpopulated) NL forum ,don't discount 26" streetbikes ,as parts are more readily available here and you could configure a bike for street or perhaps later pure trials , retaining largely the same components . Whereabouts are you ? If you're ever around Den Haag it would be great to meet a fellow rider !

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  On 5/17/2011 at 8:39 PM, Rourke said:

About the Zoot its 450 pounds not euros

Why are you guys all so hyped about tarty bikes? if i check that site the zoot is like 540 pounds excluding shipping. while other sites have em for like 510 euro including shipping

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have a look around different websites to save yourself some money for future upgrades on the bike

heres a link to a onza zoot thats £467.99


and heres a link the the other bikes they have in stock:


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  On 5/19/2011 at 3:18 PM, BurlyBox said:

tarty bikes do have high prices. i saw on one site and there was a bike and it showed how much it was and how much it was in RRP and the bike was being charged more than RRP on tarty bikes apparently.

If that's to do with Onza bikes, the RRP got raised and we raised it to reflect that as we were told to. A lot of other shops didn't, and sold it at the previous RRP or below the previous RRP, whilst still quoting the out-dated RRP.

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  On 5/19/2011 at 9:11 PM, Mark W said:

If that's to do with Onza bikes, the RRP got raised and we raised it to reflect that as we were told to. A lot of other shops didn't, and sold it at the previous RRP or below the previous RRP, whilst still quoting the out-dated RRP.

ahh thats fair enough. alotta shops never really update their products like ive seen bikes from like 2009 being sold recently.

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  On 5/20/2011 at 8:52 PM, Mark W said:

Nah, been going for a pretty long time as far as I know. Certainly a lot longer than I've been working there which is around 18months now...

oh i havent noticed. il check that out when i get to my never-ending list of notifications :L

EDIT: well i just looked and i have no idea where this thing is. any help or guidance?

Edited by BurlyBox
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thats so awesome! i love tarty bikes now. i never noticed that but i never thought to check in the support section. i take it all back, tartybikes are not over priced, theyre awesome and think about their customers and not just making as much profit as they can.

Edited by BurlyBox
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