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Confidence In Going Up

Little Yoshi

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Right been riding for a few years now and I still cant get past a certin hight.

Can do about the size of my wheel 24" when it comes to getting up stuff. Can roll up things fine but trying to side hop things/to rear just scares the sh*t out of me. Always go to set up and then at the last sec I bottle it and stick a foot out.

So any tips or ideas that you guys and girls find helpful?

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I've always found taking a run at it, and actually aiming to fail. In other words, do a half assed atempt where you only manage to get your front wheel on top of it and sort of fling the back wheel into the wall. Will get you use to the feeling of aproaching the wall.

Hope that makes sense.

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As said, if you're on a 24" just hit it faster. You will get there! And definitely aim over as opposed to on/in to it. Just gotta practice!

I'm the opposite though, can get up fine but shit myself coming down :$

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This happens to every one. I'm currently in the same position at around the 47" mark with all my 'up' moves.

Its just a case of not getting too frustrated and just working through it. Its rarely a case of 'just hit it harder' but more you have got to the limit with the technique your using. Focus on what areas of your technique need refining and things will progress again soon (Y)

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I struggled with sidehops, wasn't a fan. But be careful if you keep putting your foot down, cos it gets you into a bad habit? When you actually do go for it and your heads screaming stick your foot down you'll end up with your bash on your toes. It happens! :(

I found practice doing them smooth, start on two wheels, exagerate a preload, hop to back then exaggerate preload again/drop your front wheel slightly n go for it. preloading like a nutter helps you find how much room you have before your tyres up your arse :) plus it should help when you go bigger?

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lewis man up and grow a pair :P

Really good advise above there! just commit yourself, if you fall you fall just get back up and try again. think about your technique and don't rush the set up stage, relax and get the balance point then preload like hell and remember to tuck!!! (Y)

Edited by gary-mac
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