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Facebook Cleaning Testers Wanted

Danfoss - BANNED

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Okay so after this topic crashed and burned i've tried a different way

It's a bit more simple

  • Load all your wall history, post, coment, friends, anything
  • Remove all wall posts with options from 1st, 5th, 10th or 20th post/comment

You can use it in IE or Firefox.

You need to log on to your facebook profile page

Enter the link in the address bar

Hit enter

Select which option from where to remove your posts, 1st, 5th, 10th or 20th post/comment

Go have a brew or watch TV pending how much junk you got on there and let it do it's thing

It'll update you with number of post/coment found, deleted etc

It doesn't log anything, it run on the facebook java script.

It's as safe as i can make it.

I have to give this wanring though

Warning !!

There might still be some old posts since Facebook 'Older posts' response is very strange.

Your data is stored on multiple servers. It can take several days, or weeks for them to be totaly up to date, so your friends might see some old posts until then.

If you want to test it PM me for the URL

Edited by Danfoss
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I think im missing something. What actually is "Facebook Cleaning"?

wall history, post, coment, friends, anything on your wall

FB is forever elvoving it's code and in doing so there also changing the prefrances you make to your profile settings. IE if you went for a job i know the 1st thing before an interview is offered once they have your CV which has name, e-mail they look online. The company i work for does this as i've just had to do it and there for they can see stuff that might not get you the job. Or you have stuff on there you'd rather not, history

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