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Brakeless Project


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After trying out brakeless on my mod a few months back I've been dieing to get get an Inspired and I've finally got part of one! :lol:


Someone has some forks for me and I've got some bars with grips but need everything else.

Pm me if you think you can help!

Ill update the topic as I get more stuff.

Thanks to Kenny for the frame (Y)

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What forks did you get and how much did you get the frame for?


I forgot to mention I'm on a pretty low budget for buying parts so I'm going to use the cranks/freewheel/bash/pedals from my current bike to save on monies.

So I'm really looking for a fixed hub on the rear but thanks for the offer!

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So are you butchering the 26"?! :o

No, just swapping the crank setup between the bikes which should be pretty quick with the BB and chain already on the bike.

Nice.. frame.. I really like it's... frame..

lol sorry maybe it was a bit soon to make a topic but I'm just excited!

Edited by CalopS
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