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Small Troublesss With The Rear Ultimate


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hey guys,

i run avid ultimate v-brakes front n rear on my 24. The front is heaven. However the rear im having a problem with, let me see if i can explain.

The arms always seem to pull to one side as if maybe one of the spring tensioners isnt functioning one one side. If i pull an arm to one side it doesnt spring back to its original position like the front, it kinda seems sluggish. ive used the adjuster screws and it seems cool then as i ride ill stop, have another look an the pads are no longer central (ones touching and the other is futher away from the rim)

anyone know what ive done wrong or what it could be?

im thinking maybe use another one of the holes in the frame to add more tension?

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Take it off, clean it up and set it up from scratch (lubing everything that needs it)

If it's gotten full of gunk it might have an effect on it, but there should be plenty of adjustment just using the bolts provided. If you're finding there's not quite enough, use the next hole in the mounts and see if you can get results.

All the tension off, fit the brake, then use the bolts to centralise the brakes. Add a little if you want a more solid feel and you should be done. (Y)

Might be worth checking that the pads aren't worn funny which can sometimes leave a little lip on the bottom edge of the pad which might be catching under the rim when you apply the brake, stopping it from returning properly.

If you can't get it going, wing up some pics and we'll see if we can get you rolling again (Y)

Edit; part of me thinks I should have just replied with "They're f**ked, I'll take them off your hands for spares" :-

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Take it off, clean it up and set it up from scratch (lubing everything that needs it)

there should be plenty of adjustment just using the bolts provided. If you're finding there's not quite enough, use the next hole in the mounts and see if you can get results.

All the tension off, fit the brake, then use the bolts to centralise the brakes. Add a little if you want a more solid feel and you should be done. (Y)

check that the pads aren't worn funny

Edit; part of me thinks I should have just replied with "They're f**ked, I'll take them off your hands for spares" :-

haha, ye maybe you should of tried that! doubt it would of worked though! (Y)

im running new pads and i did take them all apart and clean them up before. As for lube....wd40 ok?

and when you say use the bolts, are you talking the small adjuster screws to the sides of the pads which adds or takes away tension?

cheers luke

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im running new pads and i did take them all apart and clean them up before. As for lube....wd40 ok?

WD40 would be fine down the outer. Spot of grease on the inner and a little on the brake bosses themselves would keep things rocking as smoothly as possible :)

and when you say use the bolts, are you talking the small adjuster screws to the sides of the pads which adds or takes away tension?

Them's be the ones.

Guessing you've only been having the issues since rebuilding the bike, since you didn't mention them before? If that's the cast it's probably just something trivial from when you stuck them back on, hence why refitting them will probably sort them out again.

If it was the bearings then you'd be able to tell just by spinning them between your fingers - it'd feel crunchy in the same way a dead BB does (Y)

I'd be very surprised unless you've given them an absolute beasting or ridden in the sea or something!

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o shit......i rode at the bottom of the sea to impress ariel last weekend. POO!

k ill strip them down and have another go, cheers mate. gonna whack the new onza pads on the front (beast grip) and put the old avid pads back onto the rear as they are so smooth for manuals etc.

ye before the breakdown they were cool so its me bein a remtard im sure (Y)

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Unanticipated easily overlooked factor outta leftfield : the outer cable and / or noodle exerting force trying to do the whole path of least resistance vibe to the last cable stop on your frame . Try bending and shaping the last section of outer cable untill it's a bit more malleable and naturally follows the line from stop to beginning of noodle .

A test to ensure no interference is to just loosely put outer cable and noodle in place without inner cable and see if it forces the brake arm's hinge up or downwards . Now the hinge can't tell you about lateral deviation , only up / down , but if you've bent and shaped the outer cable correctly , the end of the noodle should now point directly at the other arm's pinch bolt . No part of the noodle should be touching the , um ... hinged gate area except where barb hooks into the gate's opening . Phew , lengthy - possibly confusing explanations , y' get me ?

Make the cable outer a touch shorter / longer until the noodle just rests naturally without being under any pressure from the cable outer and you can even bend the noodle itself for super fine adjustment . Yeah , I'm kinda nerdy ' bout perfect V setup .

Failing that - Paging Dr. Ali ...

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Make sure the setting pin hasnt fallen out the back of the spring tensioner/carrier. Happens occasionally on my sd7 if I take them apart, not sure if the ultimate is the same setup though. Also as above, make sure the cable/noodle isnt exerting excessive force on the arms :)

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another vote for the bearings, my sets I have had always ended up having notchy bearings which made the brakes impossible to hit the rim at the same time, it is also the reason I wouldn't use those brakes on a trials bike.

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another vote for the bearings, my sets I have had always ended up having notchy bearings which made the brakes impossible to hit the rim at the same time, it is also the reason I wouldn't use those brakes on a trials bike.

the bearings did feel a bit rough on both sides, but ive reset it up and the pads hit at the same time and they are perfect now. do the bearings make much of a difference considering a brake will only be moving a few mm if that?

also why would you not use these brakes for trials? is it just ultimates or is it v's? dont all v's us bearings?

sorry for the questions, just interested.

anyway, they are alllll sweet now, thanks guys!

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the bearings did feel a bit rough on both sides, but ive reset it up and the pads hit at the same time and they are perfect now. do the bearings make much of a difference considering a brake will only be moving a few mm if that?

also why would you not use these brakes for trials? is it just ultimates or is it v's? dont all v's us bearings?

sorry for the questions, just interested.

anyway, they are alllll sweet now, thanks guys!

Think Ali means don't use Ultimate arms. If I remember correctly I'm sure he's said in the past he uses cheapo Deore ones but I could be wrong!

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