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Running Hose Through Frame.. Good Idea?


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Well, if youre talking about drilling holes in any of the tubes, yeah of course it will affect the strength!

I assume you want to know if you do it, will it break a lot quicker than normal but thats usually pretty difficult to perform stress analysis in these circumstances. Its been done before and continues to be done, but for the sake of 'looking better' sacrificing frame strength and the life of the frame is not worth it.

Whats your reasoning for wanting to run the cables through your frame? Please dont say that your grinding off the cable guides to save weight....

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It will certainly weaken your frame unless you braze/weld on an internal boss or reinforcing ring depending on the material. I run them internally but i make the tubes suitable. If your not too bothered about the frame, hay give it a whirl :) they do look cool. (Y)

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u can do it as adam from tarty bikes has on his 20" and looks proper sexy, and strength? depends were u drill if you copy adams idea u can make it look sexy and not compromise frame strenth :D

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i got an '09 neon bow, im basically just doing a little project mod, making it sleek and light for some fun.

id prefer to run cables internal and have a completely sleek frame.

ill look at adams thread tomorrow, maybe PM him and see what he thinks.

i dont want to build the bike up, make it nice and then twang it in half haha.

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its not a new frame. just wanted to do it to make the frame look cleaner. now it seems like not such a fresh idea haha.

Thought about trying superglue? I know what you mean about trying to make the frame look tidier, especially when I got my new Zhi and hated the look of zipties all down my top tube, soooooo -> My bike.

Just ziptie it in place (you'll need about ten zipties) and carefully apply a layer or two of superglue. I've tidied mine up since those pics and removed all the white residue. Just looks generally really tidy.

Should save you having to go drilling anything :)


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I did this to a CZAR frame that I had, I made sure that the hole at the top of the headtube was inside the gusset so there was extra strength there, as for the other end, I just positioned it where the cable would line up for the rear brake. When the frame died it did not die where it was drilled!


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I've done this to 2 frames now without ill effect , but balked at trying it on the carbon top tube of my Koxx for obvious reasons ! I guess this differs per frame , my Base TA26 has pretty solid tube thickness ( yay , cheap Taiwanese frames ! )and the end result is pretty neat lookin'.

As said , just ensure that the holes have smooth edges and are at carefully chosen sites , I actually did mine coming in / emerging at an angle to suit the natural curvature of the cable . Note : brake cable , not hydraulic hose - I can imagine pretty serious complications with fittin' olives . Have fun actually fishing the damned thing out of tube at the far end ! Protip : surgical forceps and patience .

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yeah ill be running brake cables most likely, gonna go for dual BB7's, cant afford hopes.

i think ill strip the frame and then have a look for a suitable place to drill.

for the rear end i will probably run the cable out of the end of the tube.

like. if you imagine and onza t-pro.. there is an "onza" logo on the end of the tube, just infront of the rear tyre. i imagine drilling a hole in that wouldn't have any effect on strength.

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I have done it on two bikes. I done it on an onza t-pro and a 07 zoo python. didnt affect the strength one bit. So just do it ;) On the neon bow let the cable come out from the end of the tubing. Thus it will be easier to get it out the other end. and it wont weaken it either.

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